July 04, 2006

Request for help

We've been approached by somebody writing a dissertation about blogging who's looking for students willing to talk about their academic or reflective use of blogs. He says:–

I am looking for students use blogs as part of their coursework and who are willing to participate in a study on blogging. This study is part of my dissertation for a masters degree with the Open University. My aims are to:

  • Examine blogs for evidence of reflection and communication.
  • Measure learning style using a brief questionnaire
  • Measure reflection using a brief questionnaire

The questionnaires can be completed remotely. I will also ask a few questions about blogging habits and about the context and aims of the blogging activity. All results will be anonymised and no blogs quoted without permission.

I work as an educational technologist in University College Dublin and am writing a masters dissertation on blogs as a learning tool with the Open University.

Niall Watts
Educational Technology Officer
UCD Audio Visual Centre
University College Dublin
Dublin 4

T. + 353–1–716 7035
E. niall.watts@ucd.ie
Blog: link

If you'd be interested in helping Niall then please contact him directly.

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