June 07, 2006

New version

A new version of BlogBuilder has been released today, with a few improvements and minor fixes:

  • My Comments should now sort comments and display results exactly as expected
  • The new "Preview" pane should act properly when saving as a draft afterwards
  • If you have statistics turned on on your "About me" page, you'll be able to see the number of comments posted, as well as a list of who has you on their favourites.
  • RSS feeds have been slightly improved
  • The front page colours are now slightly more readable than before

As always, if you spot any problems or issues, feel free to comment here or on the Blogs Feedback Forum (you may need to be signed in to read the forum)

- 6 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Exciting. Can identify the so–called "friends" who haven't listed you as a favourite, and find out who is stalking you by finding the people that you don't know who have.

    09 Jun 2006, 08:45

  2. Can you get a group set up for all signed in users, including Alumni?
    I've been meaning to ask about this for a while because I really want my more private stuff to be viewable by my boyfriend etc. As much as I obviously don't have an issue with making very private stuff world viewable, it's gonna become necessary to keep things locked up when I'm teaching.

    24 Jun 2006, 11:47

  3. Mat, do you know what we have to do to keep our blogs, beyond joining wga! Is there a ticky box somewhere?

    24 Jun 2006, 12:44

  4. Mathew Mannion

    Helen: I agree, I've created a jira here for it so hopefully I'll get around to it – unfortunately probably not before I'm back from holiday in August :(

    Eleanor: Last year there was a bit of a problem because we couldn't interface with the WGA computers. However, as far as I'm aware, we now authenticate with the WGA systems when you log in (so you should be able to log in with the email address you use for the WGA and your WGA password). What you'll then need to do (once this works) is email blogs@warwick.ac.uk (Blogs admin) and ask them to transfer your blog(s) to the new username (i.e. the email address)

    25 Jun 2006, 13:56

  5. aha! Thanks :)

    25 Jun 2006, 15:05

  6. Mathew Mannion

    The basic premise is that we have the option to transfer a blog from any username to another (along with any comments you've made and whatnot), so if you have a WGA username (or if you're doing a masters and your ITS usercode changes) you can transfer your blog to it.

    25 Jun 2006, 15:06

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