Warwick Blogs is being retired on March 31st, 2025.

For more details and guidance on exporting your content, please see the full announcement: Warwick Blogs is Retiring .

June 14, 2011

Blogbuilder 3.25

We've just released a new version of Warwick Blogs (the last one was nearly 2 years ago!) with a number of improvements and bug fixes:

  • We've improved the RSS and Atom feeds from your blogs, and also added JSON support (add ?json=json to the URL, and you can add callback and assign parameters to do JSONP). For example: http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/news/?json=json
  • We've significantly improved our support for newer web browsers (IE9, Chrome, Firefox 4) and you should find fewer problems using these browsers with Warwick Blogs
  • We've added OAuth support to Warwick Blogs with the following details:
  • Request token: https://websignon.warwick.ac.uk/oauth/requestToken?scope=urn%3Ablogs.warwick.ac.uk%3Ablogbuilder%3Aservice
  • Authorisation: https://websignon.warwick.ac.uk/oauth/authorise
  • Access token: https://websignon.warwick.ac.uk/oauth/accessToken
  • You'll need a consumer key and secret to use OAuth to Warwick Blogs in your own application, you can contact the IT Services Helpdesk (helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk) to request this
  • We've modified the Atom API to allow setting of arbitrary permissions by adding the special elements <blogbuilder:read-permission> and <blogbuilder:comment-permission> - these can be set to webgroups, names of groups on the blog in question, or to the special strings Anyone, Staff, Students or Alumni.
  • We've increased the text limit for the biography and contact details sections of the profile page significantly (32,000 characters)
  • We've added more "Back to Blog Manager" and "Back to my blog" links to the Admin section to make it easier to navigate
  • We've fixed issues with uploading files with spaces in and inserting media into the editor

As always, if you have any problems you can comment below or email the IT Services helpdesk at helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk

- 2 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Sian Prosser

    I was pleased to see this change: “We’ve modified the Atom API to allow setting of arbitrary permissions by adding the special elements and – these can be set to webgroups, names of groups on the blog in question, or to the special strings Anyone, Staff, Students or Alumni.”

    On my team’s blog, there is an option to subscribe via feedburner so that you are emailed whenever there is a new post. Posts so far have been made only visible to our department (Library), so the feed does not pick up these posts. Can you tell me whether there is any way that I can edit the Feedburner subscription so that it has permission to access the Library-only feeds? Or is that not possible with Feedburner? (There is a Smartfeed option which detects subscriber preferences i.e. atom or RSS, but I’m not sure how this works). Hope this question makes sense! Thanks

    19 Jul 2012, 14:13

  2. Simon Harper

    N.B. we responded directly to Sian when this query was asked via another channel. For reference, Feedburner would not detect SSO for permission-locked pages, so this would only work if the posts in the feed were from publicly viewable pages.

    Simon Harper
    ITS Web Team

    05 Dec 2012, 14:08

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