December 21, 2005

New home page

Writing about web page

The most obvious change today is the new homepage, I hope you agree that it looks great. It'll be changing again soon with some new graphics with a bit of luck too. Thanks go to Andy, John, Karen and Hannah.

As you can see, there is lots of great new content on the homepage, no longer are you restricted to just clicking to the most recent entries.

  • Hot topics is back! This is a much better system than before (thanks to The King of Wales) which ranks entries according to a top secret algorithm that will hopefully show interesting entries on the homepage all the time without the spam
  • Top tags are now shown on the homepage, allowing you to quickly see what people are writing about at the moment
  • Most recent photos are also on the homepage now as long as you upload your images with "Show in collections" turned on.
  • To let new bloggers be found more easily, there is a "New bloggers" link as well which shows entries from blogs created in the last 6 weeks

Let us know what you think, we welcome both praise and feedback on any problems :)

- 11 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. By the way, I know about the wrong images on the review types :) They are on the way

    21 Dec 2005, 11:34

  2. It's very exciting – for a moment I forgot I was in an open-plan office and started cooing at the computer screen!

    21 Dec 2005, 11:45

  3. Nice :)

    21 Dec 2005, 13:20

  4. I like the drop down menu going to other blogs you own. Very useful!

    21 Dec 2005, 13:21

  5. Mathew Mannion

    That's been there since forever… Maybe it didn't work in Internet Explorer before Andy's CSS fixage

    21 Dec 2005, 17:28

  6. Looks superb. Thank you.

    21 Dec 2005, 17:43

  7. ahh, much better, looks like somethings actually going on!

    21 Dec 2005, 22:09

  8. Like… wow. Seriously, wow.

    23 Dec 2005, 22:08

  9. Ooooh excellent! tho the fact it drew a giggle of excitement from me makes me think I need therapy. Or a life. Or most likely both.
    Good work :)

    31 Dec 2005, 02:49

  10. Matthew Cooper

    Well done all! I'm glad we get our friend Hot Topics back, it's been missed.

    01 Jan 2006, 12:21

  11. imho the hot topics stay "hot" for too long. faster rotation would be more interesting but i guess i'm alone in thinking this. or am i?

    11 Jan 2006, 10:23

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