July 04, 2006

New groups system

A new small release of Blogbuilder was released last night, with a few very minor bugfixes (apologies to anyone who hasn't been able to make game reviews for a while), and a transference to a new system for organising groups.

Unfortunately, as a result of this, any favourites that you have for groups before (such as the module IB104, Philosophy 4th Years) will have been removed and you will have to re–subscribe to these groups. You can do this by:

  1. Going to the Blog Directory
  2. If the Group that you want is not on that page, click on Departments on the left
  3. You can then see a list of departments. If you are looking for an individual module, you can click the link at the top and search for it by typing it in the field

Once you are at a group page, you can click on the heart icon next to the title to add it to your Favourites.

- 13 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Do graduands no longer count as part of their (former) departments? I, and other third years, don't seem to be on the Classics&Ancient History list any more. This makes me very sad.

    04 Jul 2006, 15:23

  2. Mathew Mannion

    I'm not in Computer Science either; apparantly they've been really fast and efficient with it this year unfortunately.

    04 Jul 2006, 15:24

  3. :*( Talk about end of an era.

    04 Jul 2006, 21:37

  4. (On a more practical note it means I'll have to make sure all the third year classicists are on my favourites individually, which is a little bit of a hassle)

    04 Jul 2006, 21:38

  5. Just wait until you get downgraded to Graduate, then you lose even more priviliges. :(

    I shall make a game review soon to make up for this.

    05 Jul 2006, 12:31

  6. Mathew Mannion

    then you lose even more priviliges. :(


    He said, ominously. If only I wasn't going on holiday for 3 weeks on Friday…

    05 Jul 2006, 12:32

  7. Ohhhh, does this mean we'll soon be able to lock entries to graduates–only, or alumni–only or something like that??? I'm anticipating many excitng things. Are you working on WB next year as well, Mat?

    05 Jul 2006, 15:33

  8. Mathew Mannion

    I hope so… but that's down to The Management really :) And basically, you'll be able to treat "External Users" (including WGA/Alumni) as a group just like Staff/Student in your Permissions soon–ish, although almost certainly not before I go away :(

    05 Jul 2006, 15:35

  9. But it's still very annoying to see a great student entry only not to be allowed to comment on it just because you've graduated.

    06 Jul 2006, 02:26

  10. Mathew Mannion

    Unfortunately that's not something that's going to change. You're not a student, so you have no right to see an entry that someone sets to be Students–only.

    06 Jul 2006, 17:15

  11. But then Luke wouldn't see them at all – surely its the ones he can see but not reply to that are the issue – where the options for viewing and commenting are different.

    06 Jul 2006, 17:17

  12. Mathew Mannion

    That's the person who's making the entry's choice though.

    06 Jul 2006, 17:18

  13. Well in that case I shall come to their dorms and bitchslap them upside the head with a haggis. :)

    06 Jul 2006, 22:39

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