May 18, 2006

Lightbox 2.0

Writing about web page

We've just updated to Lightbox 2.0

What this means is that we have even nicer galleries now. When you click on an image in a gallery and it pops up, it'll give you next/previous buttons to easily navigate through the gallery and provide a quick link to the full sized image.


- 2 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. John Dale

    A minor followup: if you find that images aren't popping up over the current page, but instead are just loading in a page of their own, you've got some old CSS or javascript stuck in your browser cache. Forcing a reload of the page (Ctrl–F5 in Internet Explorer, Ctrl–R in Firefox) should fix the problem.

    Also if your blog colour scheme uses a black or dark background then your image captions may not be highly readable since they're drawn on a white background. We'll look into ways to improve this.

    18 May 2006, 22:13

  2. John Rawnsley

    I like these improvements in the galleries, thanks. They look better and better.

    As a black2 design user I fixed the pale text using the custom CSS feature:

    #imageData {
    color: DarkSlateGray;

    #imageData a {
    color: LightSlateGray;

    does the job for me.

    20 May 2006, 18:05

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