July 24, 2006

Keeping your blog

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/its/elab/services/webtools/blogs/faqs/general/exblogs/

There is an FAQ here that lets you know what to do when you graduate so that you can keep your blog. In case anyone hasn't found this page yet:

When you graduate or leave the University your blog will not just be deleted. We intend to keep content up for as long as we can as we believe blogs are a great online resource.

However, once you leave the University you will no longer be able to sign in. You have 4 options:

  1. Join the Warwick Graduates' Association (http://www.wgaalumni.co.uk) and sign up for their web site. Once you can sign in on their web site you will be able to sign in to Warwick Blogs as well. Once you can do that, email us at blogs@warwick.ac.uk and tell us the following information:
    • Your blog address (eg. http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/joebloggs
    • Your old IT Services user code
    • Your new WGA website user code (most likely an email address)
  2. Leave your blog online for everyone to read, but we'll make it inactive so that it can't receive comments. You don't need to do anything for this to happen; we will detect when you leave the University and automatically put your blog into this mode.
  3. You can export your blog using the export function in the blog admin menu so that you can take your content with you.
  4. You can choose to have your blog deleted in which case you need to contact us and tell us at blogs@warwick.ac.uk.

If your graduation is more than 8 weeks after finishing your course, you will need to specifically tell the WGA that you want to be able to sign in and access their web site as usually this doesn't happen until your graduation.

Your Warwick account expires 8 weeks after your course ends and you'll then need to register with the WGA web site and follow the instructions above to get access to your Warwick Blog.

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