December 29, 2005

Abusive comments

Over the last few days there's been an outbreak of trolling – unpleasant and abusive comments scattered throughout Warwick Blogs, traceable to a single IP address.

We've now deleted all the comments from this IP address and the various names used, and we'll continue to do so if more comments from the same person appear in future. It's possible that deleting these comments has left some blogs in a state where there are replies from logged-in users to comments which are no longer there; apologies if you've been affected by this.

It's also possible that in doing a bulk removal of offensive comments, we may have accidentally deleted a legitimate comment or two; again, apologies if you've been affected by this.

- 6 comments by 3 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Hey John,

    Would it be possible in Blogbuilder manager for logged in users to see the IP address of the person posting the comment?


    29 Dec 2005, 12:16

  2. John Dale

    It already is. On your own blog, when you're logged in, the IP address of your commenters are shown at the bottom of the comment.

    Out of interest, why do you want to see IP addresses?

    29 Dec 2005, 12:27

  3. Mathew Mannion

    On your own blog, when you're logged in, the IP address of your commenters are shown at the bottom of the comment.

    Actually it's not… But I will sort that when I get back in Jan :)

    29 Dec 2005, 15:29

  4. Got an email through with an abusive comment that didn't make it onto the blog itself. Is this just groupwise being slow on the mail front? Also is there anyone at ITS at the moment who can fix groupwise so that the Arts Centre staff can access their emails?

    30 Dec 2005, 09:41

  5. I was getting loads of spam and abusive emails to my email account, but I removed my email from the blogs. But there are obviously other people receiving abusive emails.
    Is there any way of finding getting the IP addresses from emails and reporting them? This is a problem that shouldn't happen.

    Small note to Mathew Mannion, you may wish to read this as apparently it's something you wrote.

    30 Dec 2005, 16:43

  6. John,

    The reason for seeing IP addresses is simple, it can easily narrow down the person who is making the comment. I can think of more than one person who has posted an abusive comment on my own blog that I've subsequently deleted. Identification of those people posting under assumed names but 137.205.x.x IPs narrows down significantly who it can be of the people I know. Plus it's as much a part of online accountability as using your real name. I make it a policy to never comment without being logged in, because I should be held accountable for my words

    30 Dec 2005, 22:03

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