January 24, 2006

Criticism vs abuse

There have been several entries in the last few days as a result of the on-going problems with passwords and suspended accounts. People are understandably annoyed about the difficulties that this has caused them, and in some cases have used their blog to express their annoyance and to criticise IT Services about the way this situation has been handled. That's absolutely fine; there's no problem with using your blog to write about the university, and well-reasoned criticism is a good and useful thing.

But there is a difference between criticism and abuse; on Warwick Blogs, criticism is fine but abuse is not acceptable. If your post includes words such as "retarded" or "lunatics" then you haven't understood the difference. If you're going to write (or you already have written) on this subject please look at your text and consider whether it reads as criticism or as abuse, and if the latter, please consider editing it.

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