April 19, 2005

Blogging after Warwick

Since we launched WB, a recurring question has been "What will happen to my blog when I leave Warwick?". We've always been keen that people who want to should be able to continue their blog after they leave Warwick, but as you might expect, it's taken a fair amount of work to make sure that everybody within the university who needs to be involved in the decision has been consulted. However, we've finally got there; as you'll know if you've already received your invitation to join WGA, one of the things you get if you subscribe is the option to continue your blog. So this summer, we'll start to find out some more interesting things:-

  • Do many people want to carry on their blog after they leave?
  • Do they want to do this enough to incur an (admittedly small) cost?
  • How might the community change when some bloggers aren't physically at Warwick any more?

We watch with interest…

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  1. I have to be honest, it was blogs that have persuaded me that it's worthwhile joining the WGA. I don't think I'd bother blogging anywhere else; the sense of community just wouldn't be as strong. Plus, WB is very google friendly, which means that I get far more random people commenting in my blog than I otherwise would – which makes the whole experience much more fun.

    19 Apr 2005, 22:45

  2. Ok, I see how it would work with students and WGA, but what about staff?

    20 Apr 2005, 09:35

  3. I think that it is vital we encourage as many people as possible to 'keep on blogging' after their time here and whatever we can do to reduce those hurdles the better. From the perspective of PDP (Personal Development Planning), I think that anyone who has created a Plan needs to be able to access it.

    In a sense, I would expect that I would have to pay something to continue to use the University facilities once I'd left and I know WGA have put together a generous package (comparing very favourably with other unis) of access to sports facilities, library and so on. The fact that you can carry on getting careers advice is vital and PDP links closely to that for graduates.

    And for staff? Yes, I'd hope that they can continue to access their blogs too. There are immense possibilities, for sharing responses to research and book reviews for example, for research-oriented lecturers and I'd want access to that.

    20 Apr 2005, 14:39

  4. Also, there is an interest in the possibility of allowing a few people to own a blog together. At least we are interested in this =)

    21 Apr 2005, 01:20

  5. I signed up for my blog a while back, at the urge of Mark Leggate and to be honest I didn't use it except for the odd political rant. I'm now finding myself more and more drawn to it and I think it would be great to keep our old university blogs alive and it will really only serve to enhance the feeling of community at warwick…

    24 Apr 2005, 19:32

  6. As long as this isn't a substitute for making the blogs 100% exportable. I have had a pretty poor time of it at Warwick and don't really want to keep on being reminded of the place.

    26 Apr 2005, 22:11

  7. John Dale

    Mark, that's nice to hear.

    Ali/Rob, yes, we intend that staff who leave Warwick but want to continue to blog here should be able to do so

    Joakim, if you sign up to continue blogging, the service will work just as it does right now for students and staff – you could have a shared blog and/or a personal blog, no problem.

    Hamid, it'll be really interesting to see whether people really do want to continue blogging when they leave Warwick and start a whole new chapter of their lives. And if they do, will it change the community feeling? We'll see.

    Adam, absolutely not. You will be able to export your blog. But we'll miss you!

    26 Apr 2005, 22:18

  8. Lucy Griffiths

    I'd like to be able to keep blogging when I leave here this summer as I still have a lot of friends who use the blog site who will be here for a couple of years yet, and as long as it's not a great cost, I think it is definatly worthwhile.

    27 Apr 2005, 17:29

  9. Catherine Fenn

    WGA is a solution for students.
    Have you considered an option for staff? (scary thought!)

    03 May 2005, 14:14

  10. John Dale

    Catherine – yes, we intend to allow staff to continue blogging, as I said in comment #7.

    03 May 2005, 18:38

  11. I intend blogging after warwick. Maybe there could be some sort of classification on former bloggers like the Warwick Alumini Bloggers of something….(my thoughts)

    04 May 2005, 13:29

  12. before i say i want to keep blogging after i leave warwick, i really want to know what is a blog and how to blog a blog…help…. :(

    04 May 2005, 20:10

  13. But pray what (what what what) about those of us who are both students at Warwick and already in the WGA? I mean, do I get two blogs? No, kidding. But will my blogging rights pass automatically to that other me who graduated two years ago and should really have a job by now? Because I really like it here…

    Oh, and I'd pay a bit too. Not too much though – £5 a year sound fair? I don't really know the economics. At all.

    05 May 2005, 02:47

  14. I will definately keep my blog up to date after I finish in July. I think it will be a nice way of staying in touch with other alumni, especially course mates or people who I wouldnt necessarily call or meet up with very often. Ive only really started using my blog since I finished my exams, but its good fun and really easy. I'd like to keep it!!

    09 May 2005, 23:03

  15. I am finishing this June, how can I export my blog? Thanks.

    12 May 2005, 18:42

  16. Daniel G-R, it's in the Admin part of your blog, there's an Export button where you can save your blog in a number of different formats.

    19 May 2005, 10:32

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