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January 26, 2006

Blogbuilder Update

Blogbuilder was updated this afternoon with a few nice new things that people may have noticed:

  • Galleries have been made slightly prettier
  • In JavaScript enabled browsers, clicking on an image now brings it up on an overlay on the screen, to allow for a better experience. The icons on the image (for logged in users) allow for modification of the image as before
  • You can now sort galleries by date
  • The "insert an image" popup when creating an entry has been improved so that thumbnailed images act the same way as gallery images
  • If you write entries about certain topics, it may be auto tagged.
  • At the bottom of entries and comments, if they were posted today or yesterday, they say "Today" or "Yesterday" as opposed to the date

Comments and problems to the usual place, as always.

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  1. When I first saw that image overlay thing however many weeks ago on whichever design blog it was my first thought was "how very pretty", my second thought was to look at the markup.

    26 Jan 2006, 18:16

  2. By that I mean that I don't like how it shoves all the stuff at the top of the page, but at least it's not there if javascript is disabled. I'm just wondering if the script can be modified to only add this markup when it's needed rather than automatically.

    26 Jan 2006, 18:34

  3. What constitutes an automatic tagging then? And can we opt out of auto-tagging?

    26 Jan 2006, 19:48

  4. The gallery updates are excellent! I'm really loving the change.
    And having "today" or "yesterday" is a really nice touch too.

    Can you tell me what 'element name', or whatever they are called, I have to set to change the background of the popup from that light grey to pure white. (and i don't mean the dull-out the page grey, which is great!)

    26 Jan 2006, 20:59

  5. Looks great!

    26 Jan 2006, 21:46

  6. #lightbox{

    26 Jan 2006, 21:49

  7. Open. View. Close. Open. View. Close. Open. View. Close…

    I know there is a slideshow, but I don't like it. Can we not have some forward/backward buttons? Please? Other than that it looks great!

    27 Jan 2006, 01:01

  8. The person who developed the image overlay (Lightbox: link) effect is working on something might be like what you want. Here's an example of something that's supposed to be similar: link

    27 Jan 2006, 02:06

  9. w00t, cheers Andy =)

    27 Jan 2006, 12:34

  10. Is there a way to remove the [x] in the top corner, as where ever you click closes the lightbox?

    27 Jan 2006, 12:42

  11. #lightbox a img#closeButton { display: none; }

    27 Jan 2006, 13:46

  12. Andrew, that's brilliant. When will that be added?

    27 Jan 2006, 14:21

  13. Don't know if it's going to be added – I haven't done any blog stuff for a while, it was just an example. But I do prefer it to the flash slideshow thing which generally looks out-of-place and is a very overused widget anyway.

    27 Jan 2006, 14:27

  14. John Dale

    I think Andy's point is that you don't have to wait for us to add it – you can do it yourself by pasting the text he cites into your "Custom CSS" box and thus changing the appearance of the widget on your blog individually.

    27 Jan 2006, 15:24

  15. The next/previous example given isn't really of the same concept… it's basically just a slideshow with the "next" link only appearing when you hover over the picture. None of the popup stuff. Making a link to a set of images that you can click through in the same popup wouldn't be too hard to do technically, but then there's no way to specify a set of images in a blog post so there's not much use for that here.

    27 Jan 2006, 20:06

  16. Hick, the example I gave is supposed to be merged with the guy's popover example at some point – it's what he's been working on since he release Lightbox. On the blog gallery pages it would be a better alternative to the current usage of SlideShowPro which as far as I can tell can't be styled with css and looks out of place on most blog themes.

    Of course, if people must use Flash because it's cool and we all like cool stuff, then SimpleViewer seems to have a much more suitable interface for the purposes of a blog: link

    27 Jan 2006, 21:18

  17. Auto tagging produces some silly responses. My mention of ITS for example, doesn't mean that the post necessarily has anything to do with ITS.

    28 Jan 2006, 10:56

  18. John Dale

    Auto tagging produces some silly responses.

    I think that's right; it's an experiment at the moment to see whether there's significant value to be had out of it. We still need to tweak it some more, I think, including giving authors the ability to amend or delete auto-tags if they turn out not be useful.

    28 Jan 2006, 12:51

  19. John Dale

    SimpleViewer seems to have a much more suitable interface

    I like SimpleViewer, but it loads all the fullsize images into memory at startup. If we were to adopt it, we'd also have to put some upper limit on the number of images per gallery so that SimpleViewer didn't kill your PC when you used it.

    29 Jan 2006, 22:15

  20. Is there a reason why you don't receive an email everytime someone comments on your blog, anymore? I only noticed it today. Could it be related to the IT issue from last week? I do have the correct selection in my settings.

    30 Jan 2006, 14:17

  21. Mathew Mannion

    There shouldn't be a reason why this happens, assuming that the setting in "Blog settings" in your blog's "Admin" menu is correct

    30 Jan 2006, 15:36

  22. Christopher Rossdale

    As usual, well done guys :)

    31 Jan 2006, 02:42

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