08 Feb
We did a deploy of BlogBuilder today that has changed a lot of backend code. It is unlikely that you'll notice any change (except hopefully a performance improvement), but if you do notice any problems please let us know by commenting here. These changes were very wide ranging and there could well be unexpected behaviour hiding away somewhere.
5 comments by 2 or more people
Steve Rumsby
I've just posted something on the blog forum about a problem with entries that have a "related web page" value. Could this be caused by your changes?
08 Feb 2006, 16:28
That should now be fixed.
09 Feb 2006, 11:05
If you click on link from the departments page you get a server error
09 Feb 2006, 13:04
Is it possible to change the background colour of a single blog entry?
09 Feb 2006, 16:43
ie. the latex doesn't show up with black on black. need a solution please
09 Feb 2006, 17:28
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