20 Sep
There are currently 99,856 comments in Warwick Blogs, which means that some time in the next few days we'll hit 100,000. In one sense, of course, so what? It's just a number. But even so, we're kind of pleased that the system has lasted long enough and proved popular and interesting enough to contain that amount of discussion and debate; the count of comments, much more than the count of posts or images, reflects the degree to which there is a community here, as opposed to a bunch of people all typing away in their own private worlds. (Livejournal, anyone?) How long to a million?
19 comments by 5 or more people
[Skip to the latest comment]Let us know who gets 10,000!
20 Sep 2005, 11:10
Mathew Mannion
20 Sep 2005, 11:19
Steve Rumsby
The trouble with knowing when you are close to a milestone is that you try just that little bit harder to get there. When my cycling mileage for the month starts getting close to my current record I make extra detours to try and beat it and set a new record. So, now that you've told us this…
20 Sep 2005, 12:15
Steve Rumsby
…we'll just have to try a bit harder to get the comment count up:-)
20 Sep 2005, 12:16
John Dale
Mmm. I didn't tell you anything that wasn't always visible on the home page!
20 Sep 2005, 12:26
Steve Rumsby
I'd forgotten that was there, actually. It is a bit like the ads in gmail – after a short while you don't notice them anymore. I rarely look at the WarwickBlogs home page anyway. All the interesting stuff you can get to from there I have listed as favorites on my blog.
So, anyway, now that you've pointed out that we're reaching a milestone, we'll just have to try a little harder. There, that's another two for the total:-)
20 Sep 2005, 12:42
mmmm comments.
20 Sep 2005, 17:31
Hi. the names Jack, a freshman for 2006. Not sure if this is going to work and still not sure what the hel a blog is im just fiddling around. Now wouldnt it be fun if I got 10, 000 :P
21 Sep 2005, 07:22
Steve Rumsby
Well, we've done it – the comment counter now says 100,065! I wonder who got the 100,000th comment?
21 Sep 2005, 09:27
It was me.
I cheated and got it.
21 Sep 2005, 16:17
John Dale
How do you know?
21 Sep 2005, 16:53
I'm guessing through clever use of commenting and the refresh button, I noticed that the comment count doesn't update instantly though… so there's not any way of really knowing without insider snooping.
21 Sep 2005, 16:58
well. it was 12 off the target on the home page, and then I made 12 comments and I looked again and it was 10,000. so I'm guessing that it was probably me.
21 Sep 2005, 18:04
Hey jst logged on as a 'blog'
What exactly happens now?
21 Sep 2005, 19:04
John Dale
Oh I see. Well, I'm afraid it didn't work. Comments are added but also sometimes later deleted (by the spam filters), so just aiming for what seems to you to be the right number at the time isn't likely to pay off – you missed by a margin. :-)
21 Sep 2005, 20:28
21 Sep 2005, 22:38
Mathew Mannion
Depends if you want to use it… You should have an email with some information about how you can go about using your blog, or you can read the blog FAQ's off the front page.
21 Sep 2005, 22:48
Mark Jarvis
Helen & Jack, its 100,000 not 10,000 :-p
24 Sep 2005, 00:38
24 Sep 2005, 13:29
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