All entries for Wednesday 09 November 2005

Equations in blogs

We've just added support for LateX markup in blogs. This means that if you write this:-
\Large\varepsilon=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \frac1{\Delta x}\int_{x_i}^{x_{i+1}}\left\{\frac1{\Delta x}\big[ (x_{i+1}-x)y_i^\ast+(x-x_i)y_{i+1}^\ast\big]-f(x)\right\}^2dx

then it will appear like this:-

\Large\varepsilon=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}    \frac1{\Delta x}\int_{x_i}^{x_{i+1}}\left\{\frac1{\Delta x}\big[    (x_{i+1}-x)y_i^\ast+(x-x_i)y_{i+1}^\ast\big]-f(x)\right\}^2dx

Hope this is useful for some people. Comments as always very welcome. In fact in this particular case, we have to hold our hands up and say that we're not mathematicians; our solutions to Fermat's theorem don't fit in the margin, we don't know whether all perfect numbers are even, we don't have the faintest idea what the above equation means, if it means anything. All of which is to say that we'd welcome more expert opinion than ours on whether this service does what a mathematician might reasonably expect and/or find useful.

Update 14/11/05: Note that we've now changed from angle brackets to square brackets

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