All entries for Tuesday 04 July 2006

Request for help

We've been approached by somebody writing a dissertation about blogging who's looking for students willing to talk about their academic or reflective use of blogs. He says:–

I am looking for students use blogs as part of their coursework and who are willing to participate in a study on blogging. This study is part of my dissertation for a masters degree with the Open University. My aims are to:

  • Examine blogs for evidence of reflection and communication.
  • Measure learning style using a brief questionnaire
  • Measure reflection using a brief questionnaire

The questionnaires can be completed remotely. I will also ask a few questions about blogging habits and about the context and aims of the blogging activity. All results will be anonymised and no blogs quoted without permission.

I work as an educational technologist in University College Dublin and am writing a masters dissertation on blogs as a learning tool with the Open University.

Niall Watts
Educational Technology Officer
UCD Audio Visual Centre
University College Dublin
Dublin 4

T. + 353–1–716 7035
Blog: link

If you'd be interested in helping Niall then please contact him directly.

New groups system

A new small release of Blogbuilder was released last night, with a few very minor bugfixes (apologies to anyone who hasn't been able to make game reviews for a while), and a transference to a new system for organising groups.

Unfortunately, as a result of this, any favourites that you have for groups before (such as the module IB104, Philosophy 4th Years) will have been removed and you will have to re–subscribe to these groups. You can do this by:

  1. Going to the Blog Directory
  2. If the Group that you want is not on that page, click on Departments on the left
  3. You can then see a list of departments. If you are looking for an individual module, you can click the link at the top and search for it by typing it in the field

Once you are at a group page, you can click on the heart icon next to the title to add it to your Favourites.

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