All entries for Thursday 02 February 2006

BB improvements

A new version of Blogbuilder was released this afternoon with a few improvements that hopefully everyone will like…

  • As you may have noticed, the home page now displays one of 9 random styles when you go to it (designed by Hannah)
  • The auto-tagging feature has been improved to be more specific about which entries it tags, and you can now delete or edit auto-tags on entries. If you have an entry that was accidentally tagged twice, you can now delete one (or both) of them – and this won't happen in future.
  • External trackbacks now work again
  • There's been a few more improvements to the "insert an image" popup dialog on the create an entry page
  • The latest discussions algorithm has been improved to hopefully keep the front page updating more often with new topics – thanks to Colin for some help with the equations involved

Any feedback or comments are always welcome

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  • I don't know what I have done and I have 2 blogs… definitely practise by on this entry
  • I am aiming to achieve better organisation and planning skills and focus on how to deal with disrupt… by on this entry
  • N.B. we responded directly to Sian when this query was asked via another channel. For reference, Fee… by Simon Harper on this entry
  • I was pleased to see this change: "We've modified the Atom API to allow setting of arbitrary permiss… by Sian Prosser on this entry
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