December 16, 2018

A syllabus for Resilient Health Care

Resilient Health Care (RHC) is an important part of the teaching on my Masters module Improving Safety & Quality in Healthcare (MH940). There is now a growing interest in Safety-II and RHC, but different people / courses approach the subject in different ways depending on personal preference and experience with the subject. As opposed to traditional safety engineering or even more recently patient safety, there is no syllabus for RHC.

The WHO has developed a patient safety curriculum, which is a large international effort, and which is a very useful resource for educators. However, questions remain about the extent to which this is compatible with thinking in RHC, and whether RHC might make a useful contribution or provide an alternative vision for teaching patient safety.

With colleagues, I am currently thinking about this issue, and we are developing a (constructive) critique of the WHO patient safety curriculum from a Safety-II perspective. Subsequently, we will undertake a Delphi consenus development exercise with participants from the RHC community in order to identify learning outcomes, topics, and teaching approaches for a RHC syllabus.

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