October 14, 2009

Would you buy Windows 7 because Peter Griffin suggested it?

Writing about web page http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/10/14/win7_family_guy/

"We have simplified the PC with Windows 7, and together with FOX, we're simplifying entertainment,"

I've no idea what they think they mean by 'simplifying entertainment' but I'm sure there's a few good anti-FOX jokes in it.

I can't imagine how the result could be anything other than painfully cringe-worthy. It sounds like it ought to be a joke, but it looks horribly real. See also.

- 2 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. John Rawnsley

    I’m buying Windows 7 because I need am operating system for my netbook which came with a brain dead linux installed, not because some person I’ve never heard of from some TV show I’ve never watched is recommending it.

    14 Oct 2009, 19:45

  2. Mike Willis

    I think Acer would probably describe it more as customised or tailored rather than brain dead :) I quickly tired of the ‘brain dead’ Linux install on the Asus Eee PC and put Eeebuntu on it.

    15 Oct 2009, 08:45

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