July 29, 2010

Milking a meme – sad Keanu comes to www2

This Greasemonkey script here adds a depiction of sad Keanu to web pages hosted at www2.warwick.ac.uk (or perhaps more accurately, webpages created using Sitebuilder hosted at www2).

For example, here he is surveying http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/insite/

Sad Keanu on Intranet homepage

Special bonus script for GNOME users: Python script to display sad Keanu in GTK window

Displays a sad Keanu image in a transparent GTK window that you can position where you wish. E.g.

sad_keanu_gtk example

To move him hold down Alt and then click and drag. I was going to sit him on the bottom GNOME panel, but sadly it seems windows can't be set to be above the panel, so his legs aren't visible.

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