All entries for Monday 20 July 2009

July 20, 2009

It was forty years ago today,

I remember when I was young there was a book on the landing bookshelf about the Moon landings. It was maybe a sort illustrated guide, I remember a lot of big pictures and diagrams. I don't remember any more detail than that but I do remember being fascinated by it. I must look for it next time I'm at the parent's house.

It took about four years from the first time a man made object orbited the plant until the first time a person did it. It took a mere eight years after that for a person to walk on the moon. That was forty years ago. Forty years is very long time in terms of technology and yet, the last time a person walked on the moon was before I was born, thirty six and a half years ago, 7th December 1972. I hope we don't have to wait that long for it to happen again.

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