All entries for Monday 01 March 2010

March 01, 2010

Staring at the

Writing about web page

SOHO image wallpaper script grabs one or all of the latest SOHO images once an hour and sets it/them as your GNOME wallpaper. I was going to make it work for Mac OS X as well but by the time I'd found out how to set the relevant properties from a script I couldn't be bothered. (Mac OS X doesn't provide a way to set the background colour or the placement  (introduced in Snow Leopard) from a script. You have to alter the plist file and then restart the Dock as described here.)

Example screenshots:

$ ./soho_image_wallpaper

SOHO image wallpaper (all)

$ ./soho_image_wallpaper blue zoom

SOHO image wallpaper (blue zoom)

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