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March 08, 2019

Goodbye George Eliot, until next we meet

The end of CCE 1 is upon the second years and I for one cannot believe it. It seems like 5 minutes ago I was writing my blog at Christmas talking about starting CCE and how different my life was going to be as a clinical phase medical student. For that reason, I think this is quite a good juncture to pause and take stock of how CCE 1 has been for me!

First of all, the final weeks of CCE 1 (weeks 9 & 10). As mentioned in the previous blog, we have spent these final weeks doing our audit in George Eliot Hospital into surgical complications. Basically, the audit involves finding out the operation lists for each day and then finding the patient after surgery and going through the notes, looking for complications and consequences of surgery. We have been incredibly busy doing the audit over the last few weeks – staying in hospital until 10:30pm one evening going through hundreds of pages of medical notes and making sure our data collection was accurate. I won’t say it hasn’t been challenging, because it has been extremely exhausting! At the same time though, having done the audit is great experience and has taught us lots about abdominal surgeries and types of surgical incisions (interesting, if not immediately useful!). This week I also had to apply to do my research project for next year. I will (hopefully!) be doing something to do with bereavement care in the UK – watch this space!

Coming to the end of CCE 1 means we are a third of the way through our Core Clinical Education, so it is also a good time to stop and think and take stock of what I’ve learned about both medicine and myself this block at George Eliot Hospital. My statistics for CCE 1:

- 10 weeks (January to March)
- 4 supervising consultants (2 cardiologists, 1 respiratory doctor and 1 anaesthetist)
- 9-10 bloods taken
- 4 clinical skills labs (acute assessment, blood gases, oxygen masks, cannulation)
- 7 days spent with our GP practice
- 9 workshops (on topics ranging from fever to weight loss)
- 5 academic days
- 1 clinical partner – Cliona
- Lots of awkwardly standing on the wards trying to make eye contact!

Coming to the end of my placement at George Eliot Hospital is bittersweet. We did our very first clinical experiences in first year at this hospital and has been here ever since (about 16 months – our entire medical degree until this point). All of my stream really have started our medical careers here at George Eliot and created great relationships with the undergraduate staff and education team alike. I think they’ve seen us grow from nervous first year students into slightly less nervous, and slightly more competent second year medical students! George Eliot is a smallish hospital, but it will be the first of many hospitals in my medical career, and I think for that reason, I’ll always be a little bit fond of it. Next week I’m off to University Hospital Coventry, which is the main teaching hospital for the University of Warwick, and this will bring different challenges, but is also really exciting in the wider range of specialities we will get a chance to see there. Until next time!


- 2 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Xavier Ebanks

    Nice read! I am starting the medical school at Warwick in September and wanted to know how you found the transition from classroom/workshops to actually conducting the clinical examinations? Additionally, do all first and second years go to George Elliot Hospital?

    12 Mar 2019, 16:39

  2. Jordan Moss

    Hi, first of all congratulations on getting into Medical School! In response to your first question, I would say that the transition has been challenging but relatively smooth. All of the clinical examinations are taught to first years in classroom based sessions throughout first year. In addition, from January of first year, students attend hospital once a week and get the chance to practice the skills taught in the classroom sessions on real patients – this is called “bedside teaching”. Bedside teaching continues until the end of first year. So the transition from classroom to actually doing the examinations in second year is very smooth because you have been practicing throughout first year on real patients anyway. It is nerve-wracking doing the examinations in hospital for the first time, but you are supervised by a doctor and in a group with other students so you can help each other and it’s a supportive environment.

    Secondly, no, not all students attend George Eliot Hospital. The cohort is split into 4 groups – “streams”, and which stream you are in depends on which hospital you attend. 2 streams attend UHCW, 1 stream attends Warwick Hospital and 1 stream attends George Eliot. You then rotate around to the sites you havent yet been to in second year. I hope that makes sense! Any more questions, let me know.


    13 Mar 2019, 12:25

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