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November 14, 2018

A Revue to Remember

This week has been busy and I feel like I have barely had time to breathe, but it’s been one of the best weeks of Med School yet! This week we had the infamous Warwick Revue. I had been excited about being involved in this since I got my offer and it lived up to every expectation I had and more. The Revue is a chance for the whole Med School to get together and have a break for an evening and allow us theatre types to have some fun.

Although it’s been stressful balancing my degree work with rehearsals, I have enjoyed every second of Revue. It’s nice to talk to people outside of year 1 so I’ve been getting tips on how to survive the first year. The sketches and songs are written by the committee and featured hits such as “Greatest School” aka, “Greatest Showman” and a take on “Love Island” featuring a familiar face of WMS. Finally, what revue would be complete without some High School Musical shoved in there?

The show went amazingly well and a brave third year decided to have a chest wax for charity. Just hearing the howls of pain from the side of stage brought tears to my eyes but it’s all for a good cause, right? We also had a table that wanted a larger role in the performance than just the role of “table”, so it would collapse randomly during the times I was on stage. However, it provided a good laugh and made the scenes that much funnier.

The final song was amazing, and we ended the show with a bang… literally, as someone had brought a confetti cannon! We were supported by talented band members (also med students) and some hard-working tech guys (also med students again). The Revue would not have been anywhere near as good without them. I cannot wait for next year when we get to do it all over again, and I hope to write something for next year as well.

This week also saw the end of Block 1 and the commencement of Block 2. I had been looking forward to this as I wanted to learn some new anatomy and move on from looking at the abdomen. Again, Jamie Roebuck brought his A game with his physiology lectures. On the first day, we were treated to a drinking race using straws to demonstrate flow rate, and the presence of chocolate on day two to demonstrate ventilation and perfusion went down especially well.

I’m playing around with how I take lecture notes after being in the lecture as I am finding that trying to revise pages and pages of notes is draining and not productive at all. So, I have now decided to make all my notes onto one A4 page and see if that works better. I also took my Block 1 formative this week as we must do at the end of every block. It is split into two sections, a multiple-choice section and a short answer section. I failed the first take of the MCQ, but I am not too worried as I decided to do it before I reviewed my Block 1 notes, and I would have done slightly better. I was also only 2% off passing and I did manage to pass on my second take. The formatives do not count towards our final grade and are more a method for the Med School and us to monitor our progress and find out where our weaknesses are.

I have also had another job to do this week as I have been running the Warwick Medical School Instagram account! I was worried about what to talk about but it’s been a lot of fun and I have enjoyed running it so I hope it has been useful for future Warwick Medical School students! The next couple of weeks are apparently intense with the content we learn but I am looking forward to it all. We also have “Medic Take Me Out” this month which is going to be brilliant and something I really am looking forward to! I can’t wait for Christmas songs to start playing as we get near to Christmas …. And our mock OSCEs.


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