The year of 2019
Looking back, this year has been busy with exciting news for the lab. Just several to highlights…
- The first paper from the lab has been published in PNAS!
- Then. another exiting story from the lab has been published in iScience!
- The very first PhD student, Marco Delise, successfully defended his thesis with minor correction! Marco is now up for an entrepreneurship program in London.
- The lab’s spinout company, Cytecom Ltd., launched its own website and presented at a show. The company began drawing attentions!
- An exciting paper with Vasily Kantsler has been posted in arXiv.
- A review paper on bacterial membrane potential dynamics has been accepted! A protocol paper on bacterial electrical stimulation has been accepted! (This is the first time in my entire career that I have two papers accepted but not published at once.)
- I was promoted to Associate Professor.
- And, most excitingly, many fascinating unpublished discoveries happened in the lab (stay tuned)! Thanks to the hard working lab members!!
That’s a lot for just a year! Sure, there have been many rejections and bad news for the lab in 2019 (as usual). But, this year was remarkable. Thanks everyone!
2020 is another year. We will keep the beginner’s mind (or literatuly stay being beginners for something) and try doing good science!
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