Prince Charles: A Time to be Silent?
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Recently I thought: I long for Prince Charles to be king. Then, he will have to be silent.
This scientifically uneducated, culturally backward-looking, self-indulgent, self-pitying moral coward believes that he has a mission to educate the nation and control its thinking about the environment, health, aesthetics, and family values.
Have I overstated things? Perhaps Prince Charles is no worse than anyone else. He has made mistakes, as we all have done. But he is no better than the rest of us, for sure. Nothing in his life qualifies him to tutor us, other than the accident of his birth.
Prince Charles surrounds himself with advisers, none of whom has the courage to tell him that there is a time to be silent.
My hope was that, when he becomes king, Charles will have to step back from controversial posturing, so we shall hear from him less.
But then I realized that, as king, he will have even more opportunity than now to meddle in secret, behind the scenes.
I have always been a republican, but not a passionate one since I came more to appreciate the value of long established institutions.
Prince Charles's behaviour may increase my enthusiasm for constitutional change.
One comment
“scientifically uneducated, culturally backward-looking, self-indulgent, self-pitying moral coward”
An excellent first draft, but since we learned from the Burrell case that Charles relies on a valet to load his toothbrush with toothpaste, I do think we need a touch more emphasis on the ‘pampered & spoilt’ aspect of what passes for character in Charles’ case.
18 Aug 2009, 13:04
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