March 31, 2007

Lemon Crunch Pie

I learned one nice recipe from my friend at work and made one yummy lemon crunch pie yesterday. Please have a piece. :)


200g finely crushed ginger biscuits
75g melted butter
finely grated rind and juice of 3 lemons
1 400ml tin of condensed milk
284 ml (half pint) double cream whisked till thick
2 cadbury’s flakes crushed.


- crush ginger biscuits and mix with melted butter.
- press into cake tin or loose based tart tin.
- mix condensed milk with lemon juice and rind.
- whisk double cream until thick and then stir milk mixture into whisked cream
- pour lemon mixture into biscuit base, smooth over top and sprinkle on crushed flake. Chill for at least an hour.

I chilled for one night.


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