July 02, 2007


Writing about web page http://www.bnulife.com/25700/viewspace-16285.html

1.把每一天都当作生命中的第一天来准备,又把每一天当作生命中的最后一天来完成,难以想象一个人成就的极限在哪里。Prepare each and every day as it is the first day in our life and complete it as it is the last. It will be hard to imagine the utmost achievement a person can make.

2.别让任何事情妨碍你的成长, 把全部的时间和精力留给要爱的人和要做的事。Don’t allow anything to handicap your growth. Your time and vigor should be entirely devoted to the person you love and the career you like.

3.不管我们愿不愿意,总是要开始独立面对生活的;不管生活美不美好,都是要继续努力坚持自我的。No matter we are willing or not, we always have to face the life independently. No matter life is beautiful or not, we still have to insist on ourselves consistently.

4.纯粹为梦想而生的人,纯粹得让人肃然起敬。The people who were born purely for their dreams deserve the purest respect.

5.从来没有无偿的付出,只是收获的内容不同而已。世事是公平的,要相信天理。There is never a work without a payment. It is just that the payments vary in forms. Things are actually fair play. Have faith in God.

6.从现实到理想的长途跋涉中,困惑比困难更加危险,不确定就是对梦想的亵渎。On the long road from reality to ideality, confusion is more dangerous than difficulties. Uncertainty is a kind of insult to your dream.

7.多少次我们曾经对人生漠然?多少次我们曾经对理想默然?而它们本应该都轰轰烈烈。How many times we have been careless about our life? How many times we have been quiet about our dreams? Both of them were supposed to be full of enthusiasm.

8.你有想过伟大和自己的联系吗?在你思考之时和之前,已经有很多人在赶往伟大的路上了。Have you ever thought about that greatness has anything to do with yourself? Before you know it, there are already a sea of people on the way there.

9.年少的梦想,心中的圣殿,告诉我哪条是朝圣的路,我将义无反顾。Dream in youth, palace in heart, tell me which way is the pilgrimage. I’ll go all out for it.

10.期待,还是期待,期待自己和这个世界。为什么不去期待呢?失望再大也不比心中没有希望的悲哀。Hope, still hope, hope myself and this world for the best. Why not to do so? The biggest disappointment is not sadder than hopelessness.

11.其实伟人也曾经平凡,甚至潦倒过,也曾经苦闷,甚至绝望过;不同的是他们还一直努力,从来没有懈怠过,还一直坚持,从来没有放弃过。In fact, great people have also been ordinary, even wretched; have been depressed, even desperate,too. What made them different was that they still made effort, never slowed down; still carried on, never gave up.

12.请你笃定心中那个梦,它没有我们想象得那么远,也没有我们以为的那么近。Please stick at the dream in your heart. It is neither so far as we imagine nor so close as we think.

13.人生其实不存在没有什么特殊时刻,所有的成果和后果都是之前全部努力的结果。In fact, there is no special moment in life. All the achievement and aftermath are the outcome of the whole effort we devoted before.

14.人生短暂,我是不是考虑得太多,准备得太久,又行动得太慢?Life is short. Do I consider too much,prepare too long, and action too slow?

15.人总是要全部经历过才能醒悟,而真正的人生总是还对前途一无所知就上路了。People always get to know the truth after they made it all through, but real life begins while they still know nothing about the future.

16.生命中那个最重要的人是谁?那件最重要的事是什么?Who is the most important person in your life? And what is the most important thing to you?

17.世事难料,造化弄人,未来因为无法确定而变得诱人。Things are challenges. Situations are dilemmas. The future becomes alluring just because of its uncertainty.

18.所有人以相同的速度老去,却以不同的速度收获着人生。All the people are getting old in the same velocity, while we are harvesting our lives in different ones.

19.在心中埋一个信念,种一个梦想,从此其他都无足轻重了。Cherish a faith and seed a dream deep in the heart. Then anything else won’t matter any more.

20.我感觉梦想就在前方不远处等着我,而我尽迷失在琐碎中东张西望。I feel that my dream is waiting for me not far away, but I am totally lost in trivialities looking around.

21.我们可能错失了一些机会,但也因此遇到另一些机会。We might lose some opportunities, but we also got some new ones because of the loss.

22.我热爱生活,向往梦想,我不能容忍有任何其它隔在生活与梦想中间。I love my life,fancy my dream. I can’t put up with anything else in the way between my life and dream.

23.我想我想到了我想做的。也许若干年后我会嘲笑现在的幼稚,但也许——若干年后我会感慨今天的明智。I think that I have finally thought of what I want to do with my life. After years, I might laugh at my naivety of today, but maybe, admire my witness of today.

24.我一直在努力酝酿一种最为绚烂的色彩,我相信它就要渗透出来,蔓延开来。I’m trying to brew the most gorgeous color all the time. I truly believe that it is about to penetrate outwards and spread around.

25.要从现在几十亿人中脱颖而出显然是不能随便的,要在历史千百亿人中留下印象必然是无法轻松的。It obviously can’t be random for us to stand out of several billion people in nowadays. And it absolutely can’t be easy for us to be impressive among trillions of people in history, too.

26.因为总是心有旁骛,其实我们也还没有为梦想全力以赴。Because of all the distraction, it is not actually the best we can do to make our dreams come true.

27.永远不要放弃做梦的权利,它所带给我们的信仰和激情诠释了一种叫做人生的东西。Never give up the right to dream. The belief and passion it brings to us illustrates a thing named life.

28.遇到困难就是机遇,而很多人一面逃避困难,一面等待机遇。Challenge is also the opportunity. While many people escape from challenge and wait for the opportunity at the same time.

29.真的开始做点什么去接近人生目标,别把它一辈子留在梦里。Seriously, start to do something to get close to your life-goal。Don’t leave it in the dream for a life time.

30.做一件事最充足的理由就是这件事本身。The most reasonable reason for doing something is the thing itself.

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