April 15, 2011

My Learning Technology at Warwick objectives April 2011

Following a reorganisation and regrouping at Warwick, I have been asked to identify my next set of objectives for my learning technology work. There is widespread agreement that we need to step back and reconsider our approach to developing a technology enhanced university. This need was explored well in the recent DVC Forum on New Technology with Professor Mark Smith (which I couldn't get to due to a schedule clash with my PhD upgrade meeting). A summary of the forum is online for university members. It is a very useful and thought-provoking podcast.

From the points raised in the forum, combined with my own experience and current thinking, it is clear that now need to get answers to some fundamental questions before proceeding further. I am proposing to undertake a two-month long investigation spanning all aspects of the university, and producing a report with recommendations as to how we should proceed. I have created a mind map of the questions (a snapshot of which is shown below). The Mindmanager version of the map contains notes from a transcript of the DVC Forum.

Objectives map

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