December 22, 2010

Design for an interactive video player

The idea works as follows:

The whole video is split into a series of chapters. A thumbnail is created for each chapter, and displayed on the storyboard at the bottom of the screen. The student may watch the entire sequence in order, or click on a thumbnail to jump to a chapter. When a chapter is playing, it's thumbnail is highlighted (in this case with a yellow border).

As a chapter plays, a timeline is displayed under the main video viewer, with a marker for each ten seconds. The student can jump to any ten second section by clicking on its marker in the timeline.

Each ten second section also has a series of comments associated with it. As the section plays, the comments are displayed in the panel on the right, along with a thumbnail of the person who made the comment. This should also contain a comment box and submit button.

In addition, it should be possible to associate alternative video with chapters and ten second sections. This could be used to show events from a different perspective.

This example uses some great videos created by Professor Carol Rutter and Jon Trenchard (actor) as part of the Unpinning Desdemona project.

Video player design

- 3 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Susan

    This looks just the job. So will the Comments allow differentiation between those set up by the course leaders/ creators e.g. What is the impact of the differing texts? and the stduents/participants who might respond and ask their own questions (apart, of course, by name). I think what I would want is a static question(s) which would stay at the head of the dialogue box for each chapter and then student comments and leaders’ responses below.

    22 Dec 2010, 11:27

  2. Robert O'Toole

    Yes, all possibilities.

    I’m not sure if the interactivity should be at the scene level, or at the ten second sequence level. Or perhaps both?

    22 Dec 2010, 14:12

  3. Darren

    Looks great to my untutored eye, if all the integration issues are resolvable.

    22 Dec 2010, 21:02

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