November 15, 2011

Arts Faculty Learning Technology Newsletter November 2011

Dear Colleagues

Here is a summary of news about learning, teaching and research technology support in the Arts Faculty (including a new interest group dealing with research and impact technologies).

Drop-in sessions with your e-learning advisor - I will be available every Wednesday between 12:00 and 13:30 in the Graduate Space. For staff and students. At other times I can often be found in the IATL Media Suite. Appointments to discuss any aspect of technology or planned projects - just email me at and we can arrange to meet.

Video production in the IATL Media Suite - simple, supported video production and editing facilities. I can do individual or group training for staff and students, enabling the creation of good quality online films, and converting PowerPoint based presentations to online video. Book at

Videoconferencing - using the excellent WebEx software, I can bring videoconferencing directly into your office, lecture, workshop or seminar. See this great example with Nick Monk (Warwick), his students and Sarah McDonald (Monash):

Using iPads in teaching and research - we have a set of 6 iPads which can be booked as a set to be used in seminars and workshops. I've been trialling this with Catherine Hampton in French Studies and in my own teaching, with great results. Mind mapping on the iPads has proved to be particularly good a small group activity. I now also have much experience of using an iPad as part of my own research process. Come to the iPadology event in the Teaching Grid to find out more and to have a go. Wednesday 30th November, 12.45 to 14.45 (with food).

Using Sitebuilder – along with the new ID6 look, Sitebuilder now includes many features that turn it into a good platform for hosting learning activities, including student research contributions and multimedia. When combined with forums, blogs and podcasts, you can create a comprehensive approach to student-engaged and productive learning. Contact me for more information, design support and training.

You might also like to join one of these interest groups, working on identifying new IT requirements and best practice. Send me an email telling me which you wish to join.

Arts & Humanities research technology - including impact, engagement, Virtual Research Environments, visual media archives, databases, undergraduate research.

E-portfolios and personal development - including new work on e-portfolios for undergraduates.

Extended Learning Ecologies (ELE) - thinking about the future, post-VLE learning technologies and how they fit better with arts and humanities education.



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