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December 10, 2018

Farewell Autumn


My last Autumn term at Warwick has been a flurry of activity from keeping on top of assignments and attending events. In my final year, the modules are increasingly more specialized hence, the people that take them tend to have a deeper interest as well, which makes the learning experience even more fruitful. One of the modules that I’m really enjoying is East Asian Transformations: A Political Economy Perspective, which includes Southeast Asian countries like Singapore in its study. The knowledge I’ve gained through this module has built on what I learnt through my involvement in the Warwick ASEAN Conference last year and deepened my interest in the region. Asia is home to two of the world’s three largest economies, a third of the world’s population, and contributes a share of more than 40 percent to global economic growth. Furthermore, I find it interesting that the region is diverse in terms of geographies, cultures, and political systems, which also defies many of the patterns and principles of international politics and economic development witnessed in the West. Learning about the dynamics driving this region’s development has been immensely gratifying and the module has also been a way for me to be connected to home and reflect on the ongoing developments in Singapore.

Apart from academic work, I’ve been busy with job applications, which required preparation even before the term started. While at university, I’ve taken advantage of the careers services by meeting up with the careers advisors and attending various career-related events such as the Consulting Sector Insights at the Warwick Business school. Apart from learning more about various industries and roles, I’ve found these events to be immensely useful in terms of networking and meeting alumni who are in the beginning stages of their career. Being able to seek advice from people who were once in my shoes not too long ago has been beneficial not simply in terms of easing some of my worries but also giving insights into the transition from university to workforce. Juggling all the applications along with the various tests involved while keeping on top of academic work has definitely been a challenge but it has taught me to be resilient and persist despite rejections. I’m grateful that I can rely on my friends as well to check in with each other and work on applications together. While I realise there are various factors beyond my control in regards to the employment landscape, this experience has taught me to do to focus on what I can control in working towards my goals and hope for the best.

Yazmin Lacey


In the beginning of this academic year, I made a resolution to foster deeper relationships while enjoying my last year at university. One of best memories this term was going to see a live performance of Yazmin Lacey, a British R&B/soul singer at Birmingham. Together with a friend I made through my involvement with theatre societies, we enjoyed an atmospheric night filled with music and good company. We even managed to talk to the singer afterwards and snap a picture (Yazmin is the middle)!



While I’ve stepped down from my exec position in a theatre society I was involved with last year, I managed to catch a theatre production this term. While I was in London to meet a Singaporean friend who is currently doing an overseas exchange programme, I managed to catch Anthony & Cleopatra at the National Theatre (Photo Credits: Johan Persson). I enjoyed how the Director Simon Goodwin managed to combine this classic Shakespearen Roman romance with an elegant contemporary aesthetic and impressive staging that included a revolving set. I was also in awe of how amazing the actors were considering they had enough stamina to perform for 3 hours straight! After the impressive production, I enjoyed the night views along South Bank, which was a great way to end off the night!


After a hectic term 1, I’ve learnt so much within both my academics and personal life. Juggling with my current commitments and working towards employment after graduation has been challenging but I’ve learnt to take rejections within my stride and learn from them. I’m looking forward to a restful break to unwind and reflect on all that’s happened this term- I have a trip to Spain lined up and I’m also going to be spending some time in London. I’m immensely grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had thus far and I look forward to starting a new year that will hopefully bring with it more amazing memories and insights!

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  • Nice to read about your experiences! Looking forward to reading more :) by Sajni on this entry

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