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All entries for Friday 28 September 2018

September 28, 2018

Farewell Summer

As the summer break comes to an end, I’m excited for my (sadly) final year at University of Warwick and grateful for all the amazing experiences I’ve had over the summer. I spent the past 3 months back in Singapore, where I completed a 10-week internship at the Ministry of Social and Family Development. After being overseas for months, I enjoyed catching up with family and friends over long conversations and meals. I also took the opportunity to take a few short weekend trips to Penang, Malaysia and Bangkok, Thailand to travel and enjoy the sun as much as possible before heading back to the UK.

During my internship, I was thankful to have had one of the managers as my mentor as her perspectives and guidance was invaluable in informing my future career choices and improving my work performance. Due to the nature of my internship, I can’t disclose details of the work I did over the course of my internship. However, I did learn a few lessons that are relevant to other areas of my life and career in general. Being in a supportive environment made me realise that workplace culture plays a huge role in influencing motivation levels and general attitudes towards work. Working with people who were invested in my personal growth made me excited to come into the office every day and learn more about roles and projects beyond my immediate team. Such an environment also made it easy for me to seek feedback and make connections across the department. I left the internship with not only knowledge but fond memories and frieds that I look forward to seeing next time.


Friday Office activities

Over the course of my summer, I also had the opportunity to take a few short weekend trips around Southeast-Asia. I took a trip to Penang, Malaysia with a few friends from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore that I worked with while organizing the 2018 Warwick ASEAN Conference. It was my first time there and I really enjoyed the eclectic mix of cuisines and cultures. We enjoyed local treats like chendol and fresh coconuts!



Apart from the delicious food, a highlight of my time was the Penang Peranakan Mansion- A museum that showcases Peranakan culture within one of the heritage mansions built at the end of the 19th century. The museum offers an insight into a typical home belonging to a wealthy Peranakan family a century ago. We were given a tour, where the guide shared about the customs, traditions and history of certain antiques. In terms of architecture and design, I found it interesting that within a single house, one could find various European and Chinese elements. Although it was a brief weekend trip, I enjoyed spending time with my friends and learning more about our Southeast Asian counterparts.



During August, I also had the opportunity to spend some time in Bangkok, Thailand with some relatives. It was my first time in the city and seeing my relatives after months made the trip even more thrilling! I managed to explore Kanchanaburi, which is a town in West Thailand known for its World War II history. The town is known for the Allied War Cemetery and the Death Railway, which was built during the war and crosses over the River Kwae Yai via a bridge. After visiting the nearby war museum and walking along the railway, we took the train down and visited some other sights. Enjoying rural nature while feeling the breeze as the train passed by various villages was definitely a treat! Our final stop was the Sai Yok National Park, where we got to see a beautiful waterfall- Definitely one my fondest memories of this trip.

Sai Yok National Park

Death Railway

Back in Singapore, I attended the dinner with the trustees, fellow scholars and representatives from the university at Sinfonia Ristorante. While I was happy to share about my university experience and future plans with the group, hearing from Hayati and Jade about their past experiences and their expectations going forward into higher education was exciting. I remember when I was in their shoes not too long ago and the anticipation is definitely exhilarating. Talking to the trustees and university representatives always reaffirms my gratitude being one of the first recipients of the scholarship and its importance to students of my background.


Before the university term started, Chandra, Hayati, Jade and I managed to get together to have dinner as well and catch up. Time has gone by so fast and I find it hard to believe I’m already in my final year! I’m excited to see how the younger scholars will grow and explore their interests further in university. While I’m nervous about post-graduation plans, I am excited to see how this year will unfold. I plan to take full advantage of my last year at Warwick by clarifying and working towards my personal, academic and career goals while enjoying my final year with friends.


September 2018

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  • Nice to read about your experiences! Looking forward to reading more :) by Sajni on this entry

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