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All entries for Thursday 17 November 2016

November 17, 2016

The Climb

Week 7 is coming to a close soon and it seems time just flew by. It’s reaching the point of the term where deadlines are fast approaching and more nights are spent working on assignments or catching up on work. The past few weeks have been fruitful with plenty to discover, both within and outside of class.

One of the highlights of my time so far has been Charity Week. It is a week-long event organized by the Islamic society on campus in conjunction with the charity organsiation, Islamic Relief. Various activities like bake sales were organized to raise money for the chosen cause. This year, the money raised goes to projects worldwide that work with needy children.

One of the events in Charity Week was a hike up Mt. Snowden in Wales, which required each participant to pledge to raise £100 in a week. Initially, I was hesitant to sign up although I enjoy hiking. I was concerned about whether I would be able to raise funds that quickly without having many immediate connections here. All this time spent worrying meant all the 15 seats were filled before I could make up my mind. I was disappointed and frustrated but I decided to text the organizer. She put me on the waiting list and on that day, someone dropped out so I could take their place much to my delight.

In the week to come, I did what little I could to mentally prepare myself for the trip. I had been running regularly prior to the trip so I wasn’t too worried about my physical state. Nevertheless, I didn’t know what to expect of the terrain or weather so I didn’t want to take chances. Fund-raising was a bit of challenge initially but with the help of social media, I was able to spread the word around. I am grateful for friends who spread the word around as well. Small contributions add up and before the weekend rolled around, I hit the target.

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, we set out at 2am by coach to Wales in order to start the hike early. I was afraid that it would be really cold so I wore 4 layers but was glad that it wasn’t too cold when we reached. Once we started hiking, it got warm quite fast so my incessant worrying was misplaced. As the coach was due to depart at 4.30pm, we had to descend by 2pm regardless of where we were. I was determined to get to the peak and spend some time there before descending so I made sure I kept pace. Thankfully, I hiked with a senior who was involved in Warwick Mountains- a society for climbing and hiking. We spurred each other on and made sure we took small breaks in between to recuperate.

We saw 4 rainbows in a single day!
We saw 4 rainbows in a single day!

Hiking BuddiesHiking Buddies

I’m happy to say we were the first 2 girls from the Warwick group to reach the peak. We reached the peak before 1pm so the rest of the time was spent admiring the breath-taking views which looked as if we were above the clouds. Being higher up also meant the temperature was colder and much windier. The senior had a flask of hot coffee which she kindly shared with me. Having a hot drink when your fingers are so chilly and the wind is strong feels so soothing. I had digestives with me so we shared our food and savoured the moment (literally) together.

View above the clouds

View above the clouds

Misty cliffs

Misty cliffs

As 2pm rolled around, we made the trip back down and to the coach with heavy limbs but a light heart. Wales is stunning and I hope to visit it again sometime.

View on the way back
On the way back down

Days like the one I just recounted make normal weekdays seem mundane but in their own minute ways, they are fulfilling as well. Since deadlines are approaching, I find myself having to be strict in how I schedule my time and prioritise certain tasks over others. In the beginning of the term, I could go for talks or events without thinking so much about other commitments. Currently, I am involved in 2 productions- The Singapore society’s yearly production and a more informal devised play to be performed in Week 9. This is part of a day festival called Bacchus, organized by the Codpiece Theatre society in Warwick. I will be directing a short piece with a team of 3 girls loosely centered around the themes explored in the non-fiction text “The Beauty Myth” written by Naomi Wolf.

Although I was reluctant to take on this project while having multiple essays due soon, I remembered a teacher back in school who said if you are really interested in something, you will find time or a way to do it. Time management is a skill I am always trying to improve on and I don’t think it is something one can completely perfect. When things get hectic and I feel confused as to what I should commit to, I find just taking time off to listen to myself and re-evaluate what is important to me works. As the term progresses, life may get busier but I hope I will remember this.

November 2016

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  • Nice to read about your experiences! Looking forward to reading more :) by Sajni on this entry

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