April 23, 2018

OECD iLibrary new look!

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1000580~S1

If you use "Library Search" to find individual reports published by the OECD, you may not find them there, but we have access to electronic versions which you can save or download free of charge. To do this, log on to OECD iLibrary from the Library home page, and the link to Databases. There is also a lot of data to download, either in ready-made tables or in a customisable format.

If you have used this database before, have another look - the platform has been updated in a new format, which I hope you will find easier to use. You can still select the Advanced Search option, from a link near the top of page - this is good if you want to search through all the content by specific keywords. You can then set the menu to search for terms in the abstract or summary of each item, which is a good way to reduce the clutter!

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