February 10, 2016

Finding newspaper articles from around the world – Factiva

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/search~S1/v

If you would like to find newspaper comment in a range of languages from all around the world, try Factiva! You can access this database through the Library website - select the link to Databases, then browse databases by type, or search specifically by name. You need to log on with your Warwick username and password.

Factiva is produced by Dow Jones and it includes newswires and longer newspaper articles. The range of languages includes Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese and many more! You can search by keywords, and it may help if you limit your search either by geographical region or by time period. There is a guide to Factiva in the Library tutorial for Economics and Business. Please contact Helen Riley, Helen.Riley@Warwick.ac.uk if you need any further assistance.

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