June 03, 2021

Historical Data UK – Bank of England /ONS

Writing about web page https://www.escoe.ac.uk/research/historical-data/

The UK Historical Data repository has been developed jointly by the Bank of England, the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) and the Office for National Statistics. The site is both a repository of historical UK data and relevant statistical publications, as well as a hub that links to other data websites and sources. The focus is on macroeconomic and financial market data but the site includes a range of disaggregated economic data at a sector, industry and regional level. More granular, historical microdata on the UK economy and other social science data is provided by the UK Data Servicerepository.

The site contains digital collections of many of the key official statistical publications produced since the C19th which were digitised specifically for this project. These generally go up to around 2010 when the Office for National Statistics moved to online digital provision of its statistical releases although some publications carry on after that date.

Well worth exploring!

March 11, 2021

Eikon Q&A – Refinitiv user forum

Writing about web page https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/spaces/92/index.html

You can find questions and answers about Eikon in the Thomson Reuters Refinitiv Developer Community Forum. It is possible for researchers to register with the Forum, otherwise you can look for tips on using Eikon without having to register. This may be worth exploring!

March 08, 2021

Thomson Reuters online training on Eikon

Writing about web page https://training.refinitiv.com/eikon/

Economics and other Departments' students can access Eikon at a dedicated PC in the Library - it is advisable to book the PC in advance via the catalogue entry for the database. Eikon provides global stock exchange data, detailed exchange rates and company data, as well as news and data on mergers and acquisitions. Datastream is still available currently at a different PC, but Thomson Reuters intend to withdraw Datastream later in 2021, so we recommend that you explore Eikon soon!

TR have an excellent training website for students, in addition to various guides available online.The online Refinitiv Academy also advertises webinars, which may be helpful. You can filter the list to find sessions on a specific database, at various skills levels, in English or other languages.

One caveat - after you open the Eikon icon on the PC desktop, please wait and do not try to enter any username or password. It may take over a minute, but you will be logged in to Eikon automatically, so you can ignore any instructions in the TR guides about installing Eikon or logging in.

January 11, 2021

EU Open Data Portal

Writing about web page https://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/home

The European Union Open Data Portal includes some data which is not available in the European Commission statistics database Eurostat, e.g. Eurobarometer survey data. Eurobarometer surveys cover public opinion on EU policy and public life in the EU member states and its website provides pdf reports and charts, but not the raw data.

There is information on other data sources in the tutorial Finding Resources for Economics and Business, linked to the Library subject support page for Economics.

October 02, 2020

New databases – Roper i–Poll and Global Financial Data

Writing about web page https://pugwash.lib.warwick.ac.uk/search/v

The Library has taken out new subscriptions to two new databases which were requested by the Economics Department - you can access them online via the Library home page and the link to Databases.

Global Financial Dataprovides very long runs of data, including stock indices, interest rates, commodities, Nasdaq data and current historical shares.

Roper i-Poll provides public opinion poll data on a wide range of economic, social and political topics. Most of the data is derived from US opinion polls, with some international coverage.

We hope many of you will find these new resources useful! Please contact Helen.Riley@Warwick.ac.uk if you have any questions about these or other Economics databases.

December 11, 2019

New global company database – Orbis

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1001403~S1

The Library now provides access to Orbis, a database from Bureau van Dijk which contains company information on large and medium-sized companies worldwide. It replaces Amadeus and has a much wider scope. We still have FAME (UK company financial information) and Orbis Bank Focus. There is online help available on each database, but please contact Helen Riley if you have any questions.

Check out all our databases via the Library webbsite and the link to Databases! You need to access them online in this way with your Warwick username and password. The only two exceptions are Datastream and Eikon, which are only available on one PC on Floor 1 of the Library - you can book it via the record for Datastream in our catalogue.

September 25, 2019

Market research data in Statista

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1001297~S15

If you are looking for global market research, company and industry data, try Statista! This database provides a good range of data and reports, including selected consumer information from Nielsen and other companies. Access it through the Library website and the link to Databases. After you log on and do an initial search, you can alter the location focus menu to pick a country, or pick "Deactivated" to find information from all available countries. It's very user-friendly!

Finding data and reports from the UN and the OECD

Writing about web page https://pugwash.lib.warwick.ac.uk/search~S1?/vEconomics/veconomics/1%2C3%2C62%2CB/exact&FF=veconomics+all+databases&1%2C37%2C

If you are looking for reports, journal articles or data published by the United Nations or the OECD, you may find it better to log on to UN iLibrary and/or OECD iLibrary though the Library website and the Databases list. Although both organisations make a lot of material available free on their websites, many OECD publications are only available as read-only files on the website, whereas the database provides printing and downloading options. The databases also make it easier to search specifically for research material, as they have very good search engines - this will save you a lot of time!

UN iLibrary provides access to data on Sustainable Development Goals and more - select Statistics to find the datasets.

OECD iLibraryprovide access to a lot of their data as well as reports and journals - the only exception is data from the International Energy Agency, which we can access free of charge from the UK Data Service.

If you need any help with locating data or other material, please contact me any time - Helen.Riley@Warwick.ac.uk

May 30, 2018

IMF Finance and Development (F&D) Magazine

Writing about web page http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/

Have a look at the IMF F&D Magazine, available freely online - it covers a wide range of economic, social and development issues!

April 23, 2018

OECD iLibrary new look!

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1000580~S1

If you use "Library Search" to find individual reports published by the OECD, you may not find them there, but we have access to electronic versions which you can save or download free of charge. To do this, log on to OECD iLibrary from the Library home page, and the link to Databases. There is also a lot of data to download, either in ready-made tables or in a customisable format.

If you have used this database before, have another look - the platform has been updated in a new format, which I hope you will find easier to use. You can still select the Advanced Search option, from a link near the top of page - this is good if you want to search through all the content by specific keywords. You can then set the menu to search for terms in the abstract or summary of each item, which is a good way to reduce the clutter!

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