April 18, 2018

Online training on Datastream from Thomson Reuters

Writing about web page https://training.thomsonreuters.com/datastream/

Thomson Reuters provide online guides and training on Datastream for any Warwick student - well worth exploring! They also offer live training and offer you the chance to gain a certificate.

March 20, 2017

Database access and security warnings

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/library

Many databases and other electronic resources use a secure http URL and when you log on you may see a severe warning saying that it is unsafe to proceed. If you access any electronic resource provided by our Library, it will be perfectly safe and secure… Always access them from the Library home page, either from the Databases link, or through Encore.

If you use Chrome, click “Advanced” in the window which opens, then click the link below that headed “Proceed… (unsafe)”.

If you use IE, click “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.

This issue is affecting other universities; my colleagues are working to resolve the problems, but we do not know how long that may take. If you find that you cannot access a database, please contact Library@Warwick.ac.uk and our technical staff will help you.

Another tip for certain electronic access problems is to delete your browsing history if you are denied access, then try again.

February 06, 2017

New theme pages from the UK Data Service

Writing about web page https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/get-data/themes/economics

The UK Data Service is pleased to share a new set of theme pages related to Economics. Click the link to “Get Data”, then select “Data by theme”, on the left.

The UK Data Service hosts a large number datasets related to economics including the British Social Attitudes Survey and the Living Costs and Food Survey which cover topics such as attitudes to public spending, pensions, taxation and business records. In addition, the Service provides access to the IMF International Finance Statistics, World Bank World Development Indicators and much more.

These web pages are designed to enable researchers and teachers to quickly find these key data and other data-related resources, including teaching datasets and case studies showcasing research projects using data related to food and related guides.

Access the whole range of UK Data Service theme pages on:
• Ageing
• Crime
• Education
• Environment and energy
• Ethnicity
• Food and food security
• Health and health behaviour
• Housing and the local environment
• Information and communication
• Labour market
• Politics
• Poverty and social exclusion
• Economics

Annette Pasotti
Senior Communications and Impact Officer
T +44(0) 1206 872016/2009
E anneb@essex.ac.uk
W ukdataservice.ac.uk

January 31, 2017

Online booking system for Datastream in the Library

Writing about web page http://encore.lib.warwick.ac.uk/iii/encore/record/C__Re1000480

You can now book a session on the Datastream PC in the Library by using an online form instead of the old paper booking sheets. Search for Datastream in Encore, the Library catalogue, and you will find the link to the form. If no one has booked the PC, you can use it any time, but please check the bookings in order to avoid arguments!

Datastream provides a good range of data on companies, stock markets, exchange rates and economics topics. You will need a USB stick to save any data which you wish to download. A brief introductory guide is available on the Library web page for Economics. Please contact Helen Riley if you have any enquiries, Helen.Riley@Warwick.ac.uk

UNESCO data available through UK Data Service

Writing about web page https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/get-data/key-data/international-macro-databanks

UNESCO datasets are now available via the UK Data Service. The first tranche of datasets were made available in November 2016, and the remaining UNESCO statistics were added on 31st January 2017. Users need to register in order to access UKDs data, then you will find International macrodata (and more) via the link to “Get data”.

• The UNESCO Communication and Information Statistics allows research into the ways in which people access and use media and information and generate knowledge in the digital age. It includes over 100 indicators for 200+ countries from 1995 onwards.
• The UNESCO Cultural Employment Statistics include comparable data to monitor the contribution of culture to economic and social development, as well as the conditions of those engaged in cultural activities. The dataset includes over 460 indicators for 63 countries from 2009 onwards.
• The UNESCO Feature Films Statistics includes 80 indicators for over 200 countries from 1995 onwards. UIS produces data on ‘movie-watching’ and has developed a biennial survey on feature film statistics to monitor the fast evolving global trends in selected areas of this industry (e.g. production, distribution, infrastructure and audience behaviour).
• The UNESCO Research and Experimental Developments Statistics contains a wide range of indicators on the human and financial resources invested in R&D for countries at all stages of development. It includes annual data from 1996 onwards for over 160 countries.

March 17, 2016

UK local government data – CIPFAStats

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/record=e1000707~S1

If you are looking for regional data from UK local government on topics such as children's services, the police, waste disposal and funding for museums and art galleries, try CIPFAStats! This is the database of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. It may be found if you search Encore, the Library catalogue - or you can open the Databases list and view the sources of statistical data near the foot of the page. It is very hard to find comparative data for the UK from any other source.

February 26, 2016

Statistical Abstracts of the United States online

Writing about web page https://www.census.gov/library/publications/time-series/statistical_abstracts.html

The Library now has access to recent Statistical Abstracts of the United States in a database called Statistical Abstracts of the World, which you can access through the Library catalogue, Encore. We also have a partial set in print on Floor 4, at classmark 72 A.

The US Census Bureau has provided a useful online archive of the Abstracts from 1878 to 2010 - sadly after that the Abstract is not available free of charge! Each one provides a wealth of data on the USA and on individual states.

February 10, 2016

Finding newspaper articles from around the world – Factiva

Writing about web page http://webcat.warwick.ac.uk/search~S1/v

If you would like to find newspaper comment in a range of languages from all around the world, try Factiva! You can access this database through the Library website - select the link to Databases, then browse databases by type, or search specifically by name. You need to log on with your Warwick username and password.

Factiva is produced by Dow Jones and it includes newswires and longer newspaper articles. The range of languages includes Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese and many more! You can search by keywords, and it may help if you limit your search either by geographical region or by time period. There is a guide to Factiva in the Library tutorial for Economics and Business. Please contact Helen Riley, Helen.Riley@Warwick.ac.uk if you need any further assistance.

October 12, 2015

Submitting a data collection into the ReShare repository

Writing about web page http://ukdataservice.ac.uk/news-and-events/eventsitem/?id=4190

Are you an ESRC grant holder who’s grant has ended and therefore, are required by ESRC to submit your research data soon into the ReShare repository? Are you a researcher interested in depositing data into ReShare, to make them available for reuse, or as evidence for a published paper?

The UK Data Service will run a webinar on how to submit data into their ReShare repository, on 15th December 2015, 15:00 to 16:00. You can book a place and find more information via the URL above.

September 24, 2015

ONS survey of well–being in the UK

Writing about web page http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/wellbeing/measuring-national-well-being/personal-well-being-in-the-uk--2014-15/stb-personal-well-being-in-the-uk--2014-15.html

The ONS has published results of their latest survey on Measuring National Well-being in a statistical bulletin, "Personal well-being in the UK, 2014/15", on 23rd September 2015. The survey includes measures of happiness, anxiety, life satisfaction and whether life is worthwhile. Have a look to see how your home region, or your adopted UK region, compares with the national average!

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