June 27, 2019

Year 2, Term 3

Before term 3 started, I spent Easter break in America and Canada, visiting a friend training to be a marine in the Naval Academy in Maryland, and also my brother, who was doing a year of work placement in Toronto. I also made a trip to New York, and Montreal. These destinations were some that I never imagined doing, and so being there just felt surreal.


When I came back, the reality of term 3 hit me, and the rest of my Easter break and the most of term 3 was spent with my head in my books, either working on coursework or studying for exams. This was undoubtedly a very stressful period, and I was also doing some of the most content heavy core module in my entire law degree. Even though it was difficult, I found ways to work towards my strength - for example working throughout the nights, as that's always worked for me in creating a more productive environment. I also formed study groups and made sure I stuck closely to my study buddy so I never felt as though I was struggling alone. Before coming into second year, I remember being told by my seniors that year 2 would probably be hardest year of my degree. Although I don’t know how final year will turn out just yet, I do know that getting through 2nd year truly was a personal achievement and that it's flexed my muscle of handling academic rigor and that has really built up my confidence about going into final year and being able to handle its demands.

When exam season ended, I spent some time celebrating with my friends, and catching up on all the me-time that I've missed out on in the past 2 months.

I've also gotten started on my responsibilities as project leader for the Warwick law clinic, attending handover meetings and getting myself prepared to step into this role comfortably for the next year. It's going to take up a fair bit of my time, but I genuinely believe that legal advice should be accessible and therefore I am grateful to have the opportunity to help provide that to the people of Leamington in the next academic year.

Not only has this year truly tested me academically, and also in terms of all the leadership roles and side projects I've taken up, it has also given me the platform to pilot myself into a full-blown adult. Living off-campus, meant being independent of all supervision. Even simple things, for example - paying my own utility bills, was really such a necessary experience. It was difficult, but also enjoyable. I've always craved freedom, and being in complete charge of the way I take care of myself as an adult makes me feel so empowered, emboldened and free to pave my own journey.

Next year is going to come with it's own challenges, especially in deciding on what happens after university. While this is obviously really exciting, I am also aware that it is going to be another really intense and difficult year, and I am excited to spend this summer resting and preparing myself for the rigour of the year ahead.

As I am crafting this post, my room is all packed and I am getting ready to whisk off to a few more European countries before heading back to Singapore. I will be visiting my friends in Italy, Croatia and Cyprus and I could not possibly be more excited.

It also goes without saying that I am buzzing to go back home and spend some quality time catching up with family and friends, and also keeping myself engaged with a 1 month internship before coming back to the UK. Going back to Singapore always feels like a reset, and I feel like I definitely need that after this hectic academic year.

Till then!

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  • Looks like you're having a great time, I must say that photo from law ball is exceptional! by Seneba on this entry
  • It is good to see that you are having fun! xo by Alicja Lysik on this entry

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