October 04, 2004

The gates…

For some reason the middle gate decided it wasn't going to let anyone through this afternoon… perhaps it had just had enough. Maybe it will wake up later…

Stacked some books, unjammed the photocopier downstairs a few times – it doesn't like having too much paper in the trays.

Very peaceful overall and people seem happy with the services in the grid.

Quite a few requests for printers though that shouldn't be a problem soon…


We discovered today that you can't play CD-ROMs/dvds through the PCs because there is currently no audio feed through to the plasma screens. This should be rectified shortly. In the mean time we're putting people into the presentation rooms. We discovered that in one of the presentation rooms you didn't get audio from the PC1 but we did from Laptop input. A quick switch of the buttons and all seemed fine and the PGCE students were able to continue their studies of phonics!

If we do put people into the presentation rooms we need to log it in the diary so their use can be monitored :-)

October 03, 2004

End of the Day

Well the day panned out pretty much as expected and as it draws to a close, all the lights have been turned on for the last time and the doors have been locked. i even put away my first book which was nice.

A general tidy up was in order but as it's only half 6 now, we'll be leaving a fair amount of people here, say 9 downstairs and the same upstairs. nobody looks like moving for a while. does this seem consitant with weekdays so far? probably i think.

On the whole though, having not had any weekday shift, only evening shifts when the only time ur called into action is when someone comes up to ask a question, its a good thing we are here because otherwise their query would go unanswered. we are a kind of super hero.


will u still blogg me tooomo–ha–rrow?

it's sunday and a day of rest.

this certainly seems to be apparent in the grid today but, its been said a million times before and im going to say it one more time just for fun, im sure things will pick up.

ive nearly been here an hour so far and there have been two incidents i should tell u about before i start rambling about anything that might pop into my head.

a guy set off the bleeper thing earlier on his way out, giles leaped into action to find the guy had a library book in his bag. the only wierd thing was that without his bag, containing the library book, he still set the securirty dooda off. is he some new service offered by the library u can check out for a week and then return for someone else to have a go? who knows…

the second thing is slightly more important. a dude came up to us and asked us if the online booking of the presentation rooms worked. suggesting that it hadnt before for him, we watched him as he did it infront of us and all seemed fine but then he didnt have much time to check his email. so….we wrote down his details just incase. whoevers on tomorrow should ask him if he got the email or not to confirm the booking…

here are his details incase something happens to his email and the piece of paper we have infront of us.

Karl Naim
6–8 on monday (sorry, we think the maximum time is one hour not two now right?)

thats it for now,

ANT (oh yeah, it'd be nice if i could get to sign in and add entries soon. and then i can get my badge too….sniff)

October 02, 2004

in recent entries

Hey just checked this on my way out and wanted to quickly say:
The "so damn quiet" blog is listed in recent entries which isnt the best advertisement for the grid :)..

when posting blogs make sure you tick the no box two under the "title of entry"..

if you forget you can also go back and edit the blog entry and tick it (only the author can do that)

So. Damn. Quiet…

It has just gone 5pm on Saturday and so far I haven't had to do anything today. Nothing! Zilch, niente (sp?), nada. I'm not denying that this is a cushy deal, but as Sophia told me earlier, there are only so many interesting internet sites you can look at before running out of ideas…

Hopefully in the next 2 hours someone will leave a book lying around.
Oh, wait… someone's having problems with the gate… okay, they're in.

[Addendum]: 90 minutes later, I have answered only one query and helped one person get in through the gate during my entire shift. Surely this must be some kind of record for inactivity – do I win a prize?!

Anyway, I had to be told this by Jon so for anyone who doesn't know yet, the link for Room Bookings is located at the following address: www2.warwick.ac.uk/study/grid.

...And I'm done.

September 30, 2004

Another night with no light.

So here it goes with my very first blogging adventure.

Nothing happened – the end.

..........actually tonight has raised serious issues with regards our apparent lack of crowd controlling measures. All was quiet at 9.29pm, me and Chris had settled in and were just enjoying the wares of our coffee run when suddenly and without warning, the clock struck 9.30 and all hell broke loose.

Double figure were racked up in no time with the ferocity of the ensuing stampede catching both of us totally unawares. Stations were manned with great rapidity and eagerness with reaction times worthy of Blue Watch (showing my age here).

We dont know where they'd come from but several stayed for a while and had a nosy around, a few others left and at 22.22 we now have a few on the downstairs computers, another handful upstairs with what appears to be our first learning grid resident and another chap looking through the careers information in the corner.

Other events worthy of mention are the lights which dont actually 'light', they just grow forever dimmer and lord knows if we can find the swith. I reckon its something we should sort out asap as it could deter people from making a repeat visit.

Definitely busier than last night but judging by the attendance at the main library I think its still too early to make any conclusions on usage.

Ta ra

The noise which soundtracks an eternity in hell is that of the gate alarm…

Okay, so again largely uneventful today apart from non-stop to-ing and fro-ing for the gate due to some Careers event taking place. Things we learned on this, the 30th of September:

1) The remote control for the DVD player will not make the plasma screen work, no matter how many times you press the 'on' button. I realise that this is common sense and merely an example of my inherent ineptitude.

2) Make sure you turn the microphone off after making an announcement… that way everyone in the Grid doesn't hear your ensuing conversation over the PA. My bad there.

3) Books from the main library tend to set the sensor off on the entrance. This is a bit of a bind but thankfully I haven't run into anyone nicking our stuff yet!

4) My new favourite thing is people who swipe their wallets over the gate sensor in the hope that it'll magically open for them. Not simply opening their wallets and swiping the envelope with their card in, you understand – literally just swiping their entire wallet. Ridiculous.

5) People are hungry for printers.

"That is all", as they used to say on M*A*S*H.


Stop press – someone just tried to exit with their Switch card. Genius!

Wowee zowee! Today an armed man took everyone hostage!

Okay, just kidding.

So this is the blog of my first shift on Tuesday which I couldn't do until now because the server wouldn't let me log on. Generally things were pretty cushy aside from a couple of things amidst the endless traipsing back & forth to the gates (when will people LEARN?! Don't go through two at a time! Don't step up to the things as soon as the person in front has gone through! Don't – etc etc)...

1) The DVD-Rom drives were playing up on computers 30 & 31 upstairs and wouldn't open. Had a word with Dean and apparently if this happens to anyone, hold in the reboot button on the monitor and once it's finished the problem should be remedied. Gripped!

2) We need signs on the staff computers saying "Staff Only" because I'm getting kinda tired of telling people to scram when they park themselves next to me.

I think that was pretty much it, to be honest. Have to scoot for the time being as a large group's just arrived and no doubt one of them will set the gate a-bleepin'...


September 29, 2004

the creature from the blue blog(g)


so the end of another shift appraoches and everything is hunky dory. achieved a few things which i will list below….

1. put some of the lg goodies into their bags

2. worked out how to set the time on the lg clocks.

3. let a woman im fairly convinced was american through the gateway cos her card didnt swipe. of course mine didnt either at first, which made me look like a bit of a nonce.

4; woke a guy up twice cos he fell asleep at the computer…think hed be better off at home. i did te3ll him that, and to be fair, since then hes stayed wide awake. all credit to him.

now i shall do the change over procedure, so its goodbye from me, and hello from jon and nathan.


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