February 04, 2009

BMG 0800–1330

Hello all,

Quite a good shift today. Printed out some more ‘photoshop basics’ sheets for the Exhibit Photo Competition. Did some photocopier fidgeting, restocked same paper, shelved some books.

Other than that ran personal favours such as looking after someone’s bag and lending another a pen. I think users are especially happy as they find that we can relate to their student struggles and meet some of their needs.

Till the evening,


December 03, 2008

BMG 8:00–13:30

Hi everyone,

busy project work continues today – the BMG is packed.
I also find out that some students have important exams next week and that they finish the term next wednesday. So there might be high demand at the beginning of next week, especially as we have shorter opening hours…

The photocopier keeps jamming, I think its getting old or tired or fed up with high usage.
I discovered a new place today (inside it) where paper can get jammed:)

Will got some nice pictures of a full BMG and is working on the AV suite now.

I found out that you don’t celebrate St Nikolaus (probably deifferent spelling) in the UK and I’m sorry for everyone left out – I always get some sweets and a little present on the 6th of December).

Over to Ify,

November 19, 2008

BMG 8:00–13:30

Hi everyone,

my shift in the BMG was nice – nothing major to report. Helped some students with finding books and using the learning space. Talked to some about the ITLS competition.

The BMG book, which a student took by accident home last week is on the shelf, but has no BG sticker – only sticker missing or still the wrong book?? Emailed the student, so we’ll know soon.

WS-BMLG-003 not booting into windows-> emailed ITS/Brian.


June 26, 2008

Thursday 26/06/2008 13.45–18.45

A nice day in the LG with lots of students killing time inside waiting for their results to come out. Some attempts to get through the gates without cards or without even being a student here.

Some queries about this and that and some formal documents I found on one of the tables. They are now in the Lost Property drawer. I e-mailed the student.

Amy and her apprentice Rihan are here ot take over:)


February 21, 2008

BMG 1830–0000

Hey all,

Dealt with a photocopier request, and did some tidying. Not too eventful, however did manage to have a healthy meal with spoils from the TG lunch. :)

Till next week!


November 07, 2007

LG 1400–1845


Dealt with a disability access issue today. The postgraduate user was in wheelchair, with support carer and didn’t have access through the glass gate. I let them in in any case and upon leaving referred her to University House reception to get her card re-programmed (stayed for Careers advice).

There was not much else to report. The wireless was being inconsistent, and dealt with the consequential queries.

The water reservoir underneath the dispenser was not in a pretty state, so I was able to give that a comprehensive wash.

Other than that, not much else to report.

Bio-Med grid: Don’t worry, I’ll see you tomorrow.


October 30, 2005

Sunday 11–4

Another very quiet Sunday. Virtually dead downstairs.

Nothing much to report. Did some shelving, not even the gates were playing up. Gil made an announcement about the interviews we are running to get some feedback from users, and about six people came down to sign up straight away. Apart from that…some general tidying. Ben.

October 22, 2004

Has anyone seen my umbrella?


A few things to blog tonight:

Mr Wonxin has lost his umbrella. Left it here earlier in the day and its now nowhere to be seen – if anybody sees it then give him a tinkle on onlylwx@hotmail.com – Cheers big ears.

Mr Gingagagla Woo (please check latter spelling) wonders is after somewhere to hold a teaching event to about 18 people, all must have access to a computer. Sophia pointed out that the IT block has training rooms which is perhaps the best option. Only thing I thought and which I told him I'd ask about is reserving the nest of computers at the top of the stairs. He needs them for 2 hours in a couple of weeks. Told him we'd get back to him asap. His details are: Mr Guanglun Wu – g.wu@warwick.ac.uk

Shelved some books with Jon, pointed a chap in the direction of AV services (albeit with Jon's assistance) and generally offered a helping hand to those in need.

Just asked a group of lads upstairs if they'd be a little more respectful of their fellow students or else I'd give em a kick in the shin. They were proper sound after that.

Checked the lights and now off for a nice cup of tea.

October 06, 2004

Lunchtime in The GRID

Well it's been a fairly quiet shift. We had another load of books in so I shelved 2 trolleys worth of them (mostly heavy economics and management ones :-() which took about an hour.

Other than that there really isn't much to report. The network is running AMAZINGLY slow on XPSTAFF0471 but I'm not sure why as everywhere else seems to be ok!? A reboot would probably make it feel better.

It looks like there might be a clever board pen missing from one of the boards upstairs which i've just noticed – well there were two missing but I found an extra one on another board. So currently one blue pen has gone walkies.

There are lots of people in eating their sandwhiches and one nice person even came up and asked if he was allowed to eat – I told him it was fine to eat his sandwhiches and crisps :-)

October 05, 2004

Biscuits for Tea


just a quickie today cos not a lot happened, if anything really.

thought a group of people were gonna have a real slanging match but then they didnt so all was well.

peace out

(oh yeah-please check out my other entry below (not the silly badge one), ta)

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