August 12, 2009

LG 1200–1800

The first two hours on shift were riveting, as I was invited to become involved with a photoshoot involving the traversing of the three grids. Very exciting! It was great to interact with the very diverse group of students/non-students :)

User usage has increased considerably on the 1st floor, a telling sign of an imminent deadline!

The user whose belongings were in Presentation Room A came back to ask for her belongings, which were duly fetched from the storeroom.

There is a steady build-up of books yet to be shelved, which will be tackled tomorrow.


May 18, 2009

BMG 8am

BMG up and running


May 17, 2009

LG 10–3am

Thought I would log in my steward shift as there have been a couple of issues.
I have been asking large groups to tidy up after themselves, and do as much clearing and shelving as I can, but due to the fact that some of these groups only come in at 1am, and stay presumably all night I can’t account for their actions.
Some users who I have talked to admitted that they don’t, and wouldn’t shelve books after they use them. When I suggested putting classmarks on the trolleys they seemed to be quite enthusiastic about the idea.
I think Colette’s idea of regular announcements is a good one, as some people seemed unaware of the fact we expect them to take responsibility for their areas!
I had an issue with a noisy group last night. One user was being really rude: but Aney and all my flatmates know him, and made him apologize tonight, which was quite funny so thank you Aney!
Just some standard queries tonight, lots of shelving, and returned laptop cable
Signing off now,

May 14, 2009

LG 12pm–6.45pm

Came in 2 hours earlier today covering for our Faiza. As mentioned, the incident with Mihai and the other student had just happened. Shortly afterwards he stormed back into the learning grid, with a letter explaining what happened and why he felt he should not apologize. In order to avoid a scene I calmed him down and asked if we could talk about it near the sofas. I read the letter and told him to wait whilst I had a word with Rachel. I thought it was better if he spoke to Rachel, especially since this involved a member of staff. Anyways, they talked and that’s all out of my hands now.

Some good news though, the learning grid was in good condition throughout the day, with only minimal mess that required attention.

It was fairly busy throughout the shift (see counts), so I was keeping an eye out for unattended areas. I moved some work and belongings of a group that had left the space near the smartboard downstairs unattended for over 2 hours. When they came back, the gentlemen in question was quite aggressive, saying I had no right to move his stuff. Explaining that there were finalists and masters students that also needed the space and that it was the exam season left him with little else to say other than a few muttered words to a friend.

The left gate was having problems at times, but it seemed to re-set itself several times and is working fine now. An incident with hot food, but the girl quickly moved out into the atrium.

Tidied up upstairs in anticipation of our guests at 2.30pm, so hopefully the area outside Presentation Room B was not a mess for you guys! I tried with 2 different laptops to get a presentation up on the plasma where the old advisor pod used to be but to no avail? I also showed a group of students how to enable macros in word.

Then my shift took a nice change in mood. A postgrad student came in, who had only been to the Learning Grid once before. I showed her how to scan and colour print some photos that she had. I also showed her how to edit her images, how to get more printer credits and showed her software such as NVivo and the smartboards that she was interested in. Finished with a 10 minute tour of the learning grid, which she was rather impressed with. It was nice because she ended up showing me through all 20 or so of her pictures before asking to locate some books for her. She was also interested in study skill sessions and other related extra-curricular things that go on at Warwick and more specifically in the Learning Grid. At this point we saw Dean and I promise I didn’t pay her to say nice things about me!

Anyways, that was cool cos she gave me some biscuits she’d bought earlier and insisted I have them. Guess I made a new friend.

There was a group of chinese 1st year economics students who overheard me talk with her and asked if I could sit with them as a group and talk through the 1st year of the course, so I was sat with them for about 10 minutes.

Just filled up some more paper in the photocopiers and printers and I’m about to log some lost property.

Possibly the longest blog in history, but I have been here for 6 and a half hours!

Atish :)

May 12, 2009

BMG 1:15–6:30

not much to report really. Helped girl out with the printer in the computer room – which I didn’t even know existed. Did some shelving. restocked paper. met Catherine. Did some tidying but people are pretty good about it here really.
Over to Atish now

May 11, 2009

11/05/09 BMG 8–1:30pm

After a stressful start (!) things got better. BMG full by ten, and apart from some phtotcopying enquiries and refill of staples and paper, have not really been asked to do anything. always nice. someone lost her card but as I found it 5 mins later, did not log it in.
over to will now,

11/05/09 BMG 8am

BMG up an running.
Apologies for the lateness – my car broke down on the side of the A46 – What a terrible start to my first shift! thank god no-one was waiting
sorry again,

April 29, 2009

BMG 0800–1330

Hey all,

BMG is buzzing with life, and we’re catering towards all needs: groups, individuals, studying, lounging etc. Other than the occasional photocopier and printing query, not much to report.

Off to Colette, to whom I wish a wonderful shift :)


April 28, 2009

BMG 1315–1845

Hey all,

The BMG fairly busy this afternoon, however didn’t come with many queries. Alan from reception was kind enough to bring in some leftover crisps from hospitality. Other than tidying and shelving, not much to report.

Over to Atish.


February 05, 2009

BMG 1830–0000

Hello all,

All was well in the BMG this evening. Not many issues arose.

Other than tidying, not much to report.


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