June 04, 2013

BMG 18.30–00.00 4/6/13

Hi guys,

Ran a clinical skills session tonight for 2.5 hrs. I think she found it pretty useful and gave some good feedback about the sessions she’s had with Emily over the past couple of days too.
Otherwise it was a quiet shift and cleared out by 22.30.


March 05, 2013

LG 8–2

Hey everyone,

Fairly busy today – standard inquiries, but keep reading for a couple of things.

A) Can at least the rest of the people on today comment on whether they can see the below link or not:


It takes you to a short tutorial on iMovie which should help with any psychology groups you get – speaking of which had another one in today and another booked for tomorrow – whoop!

B) With the computers still intermittently and seemingly randomly deciding to be ultra-slow at logging on, don’t forget there is now a mobile printing service that will allow you to print PDFs from any computer under a student’s own username. If a student in a rush gets stuck behind a slow log-on, don’t forget this is available to them through your computer and may save them time (remind them it is only PDFs (word documents easily converted though simply through ‘save as’), single-sided, and black and white though).

Back on Thursday!


November 17, 2012

BMG 15:45 – 21:00

met three students at the start of the shift. The last person left at about 8.30pm – seems people are now starting to stay till a bit late – exams fast approaching.

Good night.


August 22, 2012

BMG Open

August 21, 2012

BMG Open

August 14, 2012

BMG Open

July 20, 2012

BMG 12–6pm


It’s been quiet here today, only a handful of students working. Had a query about whether a gold ring has been handed in, seems doubtful but keep your eyes out please. Wow the computer in the store really is on its last legs! Have a good weekend everyone,


November 23, 2011


November 02, 2011

BMG 8am–1.30pm

I’ve lent out some equipment to two male students, they are using it at the moment and i checked it before I gave it, so when it’s collected make sure it’s all there.

Had lots of enquuiries about buying printer credit, steadily busy throughout the day. Working here is even good for your health! I hopped on the BMI machine upstairs this morning before anyone was around and I’m fit and healthy! and I know how to use it now so can effortlessly demonstrate.

Still trying to figure out how to scan a document on the photocopier and email it off. anyone any ideas? It protests that there isn’t a sender’s name even after entering one.


August 05, 2011

BMG 12:00 – 18:00

It’s been dead in here. Between about 2 – 4 the numbers picked up quite a bit but generally there’s not been anyone. Had one enquiry about the photocopier and that’s about it.


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