All entries for June 2011

June 29, 2011

BMG 0800–1845

Quieter day today… Had some Panaboard + printing queries and a few tours to do… lovely tour guide asking me to ‘do my spiel’... haha. That’s about it… Thought about doing a new powerpoint presentation… definitely am tired of seeing it! will be working on that in summer. Had a steady number of people in here, busy working.

Off for a few weeks now… Ciao!!


June 28, 2011

LG 10 – 18:00

The Learning grid has been quiet, however, I have been interacting with japanese students all day. At first I gave a tour to about 20, showing them the learning grid and all we have to offer. Then a different group came to do presentations so I gave them presentation feedback. After that, one of the groups came and asked me for further presentation helped and I helped the out pretty much until Kelly came. Over than that, issues have been small, mostly about printing, one about the photocopier and one about the scanner. One lady, however, did ask me if I could fix her phone since it was forwarding all calls. Despite this not being our standard service, I gave it my best shot…And failed. Researched it and sent her on her way and finding out that it was a network error.


June 20, 2011

BMG 8 – 18:45

Initially the BMG seemed like it was going to be quite busy with quite a few people coming in early on. By about 8:30 there was at least 10 – 12 people and most weren’t from groups. However, the numbers began to fade out and from about 4pm onwards there’s only been 1-2 users. Enquiry wise there’s been very little, a few questions regarding printing and two technical enquiries about the MS Word. I’ve re-shelved the books and checked the printer. Other than that, not much else to report.


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