All entries for May 2011

May 29, 2011

LG 3:45 – 21:00

The LG has been really busy, espescially for a Sunday evening. It’s literally packed. Issues haven’t been too often though. Grid 3 keeps jamming in the duplex but this is pretty easy to resolve. I’ve had to give out several whiteboard markers and theres been a few gate issues (usually resolved by just asking them to wait). When I went into the store cupboard at around 4:45-5, I noticed that the bottle for the watermachine had already been full and flooded, so already had to empty that by then. By now, it was already about 25% full but have emptied it. Book usage has been crazy, i’ve been reshelving them throughout the shift but they seem to be getting back onto the trollies very-very quickly.

Otherwise, all has been fine.


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