May 17, 2009

LG 10–3am

Thought I would log in my steward shift as there have been a couple of issues.
I have been asking large groups to tidy up after themselves, and do as much clearing and shelving as I can, but due to the fact that some of these groups only come in at 1am, and stay presumably all night I can’t account for their actions.
Some users who I have talked to admitted that they don’t, and wouldn’t shelve books after they use them. When I suggested putting classmarks on the trolleys they seemed to be quite enthusiastic about the idea.
I think Colette’s idea of regular announcements is a good one, as some people seemed unaware of the fact we expect them to take responsibility for their areas!
I had an issue with a noisy group last night. One user was being really rude: but Aney and all my flatmates know him, and made him apologize tonight, which was quite funny so thank you Aney!
Just some standard queries tonight, lots of shelving, and returned laptop cable
Signing off now,

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