October 31, 2013

LG 10–2

The gates were serviced this morning.

A student is looking for a pink folder with a label “Foundations” on it. He is not sure whether he lost it in the grid though. His contact email is d.davies@warwick.ac.uk.

Another student wished our printers could print self adhesive sticker labels. He needed it for posting a parcel. I helped him print out the label and tape it on his package.

Francesca asked me to give feedback on her PowerPoint presentation of her internship at Warwick. I loved it! It was sad to say bye-byes to her later, but hope we will see her again at the Learning Grid’s anniversary in April. Some scrumptious cakes from Francesca’s surprise party are on the advisers’ desk, help yourselves…

Finally, the birthday girl is here in a really ‘scary’ Halloween hat. Happy birthday dear Marta! :)


- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. They can print labels if they have the label paper!

    If they make it on word and, when the go to print, go into the printer options (kyocera). Under “Printer Properties” they can click on the “Basic” tab and there’s a drop down box for “Source”, swap it to MP and click ok. When they go to the printer, open the MP tray on the side of the machine and put the paper in, then pull print!

    Should work so long as they put the paper in the right way :)

    31 Oct 2013, 17:25

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