December 03, 2008

BMG 8:00–13:30

Hi everyone,

busy project work continues today – the BMG is packed.
I also find out that some students have important exams next week and that they finish the term next wednesday. So there might be high demand at the beginning of next week, especially as we have shorter opening hours…

The photocopier keeps jamming, I think its getting old or tired or fed up with high usage.
I discovered a new place today (inside it) where paper can get jammed:)

Will got some nice pictures of a full BMG and is working on the AV suite now.

I found out that you don’t celebrate St Nikolaus (probably deifferent spelling) in the UK and I’m sorry for everyone left out – I always get some sweets and a little present on the 6th of December).

Over to Ify,

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Dean McIlwraith

    Hi Colette, I think some of your blog entries are not being entered as ‘private entries’ and are showing up in the general warwick blogs pages which are able to be accessed by anybody. Might be an idea to check and change any for which this is the case, so people don’t end up reading advisor blog entries.


    10 Dec 2008, 13:54

  2. Hi all,

    Unfortunately I am not being given the option to write a blog the way I usually do.

    The BMG has been very silent today, very few people in here. All look like they are working pretty hard. Reminds me that I should be doing the same. Had a query about the colour printer and also about a book which was put on the wrong shelf but found in the end.

    All from me,


    15 Feb 2009, 18:38

  3. Dean McIlwraith

    Hi Christina, was it that you weren’t signed in to the blogs? Rhian

    16 Feb 2009, 13:37

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