Hey everyone,
Fairly busy today – standard inquiries, but keep reading for a couple of things.
A) Can at least the rest of the people on today comment on whether they can see the below link or not:
It takes you to a short tutorial on iMovie which should help with any psychology groups you get – speaking of which had another one in today and another booked for tomorrow – whoop!
B) With the computers still intermittently and seemingly randomly deciding to be ultra-slow at logging on, don’t forget there is now a mobile printing service that will allow you to print PDFs from any computer under a student’s own username. If a student in a rush gets stuck behind a slow log-on, don’t forget this is available to them through your computer and may save them time (remind them it is only PDFs (word documents easily converted though simply through ‘save as’), single-sided, and black and white though).
Back on Thursday!