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April 26, 2024

Issue 11(2) of Exchanges Has been Published

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The spring issue of Exchanges is here, bringing with it a wonderful assortment of articles.

As many of you have noticed the new issue of Exchanges was published today. As always this is the end point of many months of effort by diligent authors, reviewers and editors, to whom I’d like to express my thanks.

This issue we are especially excited to be able to bring you many of the papers we hoped to include in a special volume on the effects of plurality on translation. Regrettably for one reason or another many of the papers we had for this issue (submitted a year or two back) didn’t make it to the end. What we do have though in this issue is a wonderful selection of those which have reached publication status. Rather than hold on any longer, we agreed to publish them as a special section in the journal.[1]

On top of this we’ve some other cracking articles outside the theme to share with you as well – here’s the TOC for your ease of access and reading.


Mark Pope et al. Pushing the Boundaries of Reflection: The Answer’s on a postcard. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 1-28.

Rita Augestad Knudsen. Mental Health Exemptions to Criminal Responsibility: Between law, medicine, politics and security. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 29-54.

Lisa M Thomas at al. Assembling with VR: Dancing in a more than human world. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 55-83.

Cristina Peligra. Voices and/of Places: The English translation of Helga Ruebsamen’s Het lied en de waarheid (The Song and The Truth) as a case study of identity and plurality in translation. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2) 84-106.

Natalia Rodriguez Blanco. Plurilingual Perspectives, Pluricultural Contexts: A case study on Agence-France Presse news coverage about the plurinational State of Bolivia in Spanish, French, and English. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 107-132.

Alka Vishwakarma. Translating Ramayana: Plurilingual to pluricultural. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 133-160.

Luis Damián Moreno García. Subtitling Hong Kong Code-Mixing and Code-Switching: The case of Netflix English and Spanish official subtitles for Hongkonese audiovisual creations. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 161-187.

Jonathan Vickery. Critical Reflections on Universities, Publishing, and the Early Career Experience. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 188-202.

Liam Greenacre. Postdisciplinary Knowledge, Edited by Tomas Pernecky. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2), 203-208.

Gareth J Johnson. Five Minutes to Midnight: Editorial, Volume 11, Part 2. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(2) i-xiii.


Of course you could always access the issue as a whole directly: &

The next issue of Exchanges will be one of our summer special issues – which one I can’t say for sure – so watch out for that as the days grow longer, warmer and maybe even drier here in the UK.



[1] There are two or three more papers for this special issue which are still under review and development, which we hope to be able to share with you in the October issue of the journal.

April 11, 2024

Sustainability Culture: Announcing Special Issue Call for Participation

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Our latest international special issue collaborative project launches

Delighted to formally announce once again we're making a call for expressions of interest for a future special issue of the Exchanges interdisciplinary research journal. This time the theme is on and around ideas of Sustainability Culture. This is a topic which gloriously resonates with or earlier volumes on the Anthropocene and climate fiction, not to mention being a domain where interdisciplinarity is absolutely at the core of related research.

I am especially excited as we are preparing this issue in collaboration with the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR), Taiwan. My special issue lead, Theodoor Richard who has previously published with us, is almost as delighted as I am by this issue – so we both have high hopes for some excellent pieces to appear in it. Interesting the impetus for this special issue comes from a highly successful series of conferences run at the NCHU/CANR in ’22 and ’23 (and forthcoming in 2024), so we have been able to specifically invite contributors to these events to submit work for consideration. However, the call is open to scholars around the globe, giving everyone a great opportunity to get involved and contribute to what is sure to be an exciting volume.

As a result, Theodoor and I have high hopes that we'll be able to incorporate some challenging, heterodox, cross-disciplinary and non-Western perspectives within this volume. Naturally, as with all special issues we shall have to wait and see who will be appearing in the pages, as we are currently waiting on expressions of interest, before we move to invite full submissions.

You will be able to read the full call via the link at the bottom of this post, but the key dates you might want to remember are:

  • Expressions Deadline: Sunday 16th June 2024.
  • Paper Submission Deadline: Sunday 15th September 2024

As always, we invite emails with questions or points of discussion with potential authors at any point during this process.

March 14, 2024

Another Special Issue Collaboration is Underway

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A rich year for special issue collaborations continues to bring new surprises

I think I’ve made the joke about special issues and busses a few times already in past entries, but my heavens, if it doesn’t seem to have more than a grain of truth! You see, this week we signed on board our latest special issue collaboration for the Exchanges journal, which makes it our twelfth such project since 2019. Wow. When Giulia came along for a conversation back in January 2019 and pitched me the first couple of special issues, little did I realise that in five short years they’d become such a major part of our core activity.

That we’ve produced (five published to date) and are working on so many others, especially when you realise how tiny our staff-resource is, is undoubtably quite the accomplishment.[1] It certainly also speaks to the high regard Exchanges is held in by our past contributors, that they beat a line to our door when they want a title that’s ready, willing and able to work with them. You see, many if not all of our special issues tend to be working with people who’ve had a prior experience with Exchanges.

Now while quite a few of our special issue collaborations like the MRC@50 and Research Cultures are primarily, healthy Warwick-centric pieces of work, this latest one once again takes us half-way around the world with collaborators on the other side of the planet. Just like the recently launch Queerness as Strength special issue call, where we’re working with Monash in Australia as the principal partner – although this time, we’re working with researchers a little further north. This is very much to Exchanges benefit too, as this should help the issue introduce some insightful heterodox perceptions and experiences for our readers. This is an element, alongside with its diverse theme, which makes it a perfect match for the journal and our developmental, internationalisation and interdisciplinary missions

Naturally, I can’t say too much more at this point until we announce the call for papers in the not too distant future. But behind the scenes I’m working on writing the call at the moment, and that should be out…well before you know it! So, keep an eye open.


[1] It’s still just me, and in a part time capacity at that. Something one of my fellow editors I was speaking to yesterday was flabbergasted to hear – given the scope of what we’re involved in.

December 20, 2023

Exploring the Queerness as Strength Call for Papers

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One last podcast for 2023 looks at our exciting new special issue call

There’s always room for one more – podcast episode that is! Bringing 2023 to a close I am pleased to say we have a fabulous conversation to share with you between the highly energised Jacob Thomas (Monash University, Australia) and myself. Jacob’s our newest Editorial Board member, but they are also the special issue lead for our Queerness as Strength future issue which we announced a week or so ago. At the time I promised you a behind the scenes look at the issue – and here it is! Listen in to our conversations here:

So, in this episode we talk about Jacob’s life, work and passions and how these have informed their proposed special issue call. As such we explore the ideas and hopes behind the call, along with considering some of the areas of discussion and insight we hope to see coming from contributors. Naturally, Jacob and myself both of us expected to be surprised, challenged and delighted by the variety of topics authors will be choosing to tackle.

We talk too about our concerns in making sure how members of the ‘global majority’ and other marginalised voices can find a place in our pages – ideally aiding in rebalancing some of the prevailing global north narratives or experiences. Our conversation also touches on how the issue resonates with Exchanges mission to bring forth and celebrate emerging debate, discussion and insights, in a thrilling way.

Naturally, the episode includes some guidance on how to get involved with the call and submit your expressions of interest by the deadline. You could of course just read the call for expressions of interest via the link below, but I think you’ll find it comes to life far more when you read in and listen to the podcast too!

To skip to the most relevant part of the episode – here’s an index to our discussions.


  • 0:00 Opening
  • 0:50 Introductions
  • 3:38 Exploring the Call
  • 4:55 Inspirations & Origins
  • 8:05 Alignment with Exchanges’ Mission
  • 11:47 Globality & Representation
  • 14:45 Why Submit to this Issue?
  • 17:58 Authentic Lives & Experiences
  • 22:17 Practicalities & Deadlines
  • 26:06 Closing & Outro

For more on publishing with Exchanges generally, see our ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠online guide for authors⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

And I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for an end of year wrap up post – bring games and snacks, it’s the last working day of 2023!

December 13, 2023

New Special Issue Call for Participation – Queerness as Strength

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A new call for contributors goes live as we wrap up a busy year for Exchanges

This has probably been the busiest year on record for Exchanges, not least of which being the build up to and celebrations around our 10th anniversary issue. There’s been a lot of work behind the scenes both exploring and reconsidering our future direction and operations, alongside various events, training and lecturing contributions too. And what better way is there to cap off 2023 than with announcing our 10th special issue call for participation!

This time I am thrilled and delighted to announce we’ve partnered with scholars at Monash University, Australia to ask for contributions on the fascinating theme of Queerness as Strength. As we’ve been developing this call, it has become increasingly clear the potential wealth of fascinating research such an issue can bring to the fore. Moreover, this issue will most certainly prove to be both an interdisciplinary one alongside highlighting potentially marginalised elements of research discourse. These, as I am sure you will agree, are two aspects which speak well to Exchanges’ primary missions to enable challenging, interdisciplinary and international discourse.

You can read the details of the call here on our announcement pages:

As we’re doing this as a call for expressions of interest first, followed by invitations to submit, there are a few key dates of which potential authors might want to be aware:

  • · Deadline for expressions of interest: Friday 1st March 2024
  • · Deadline for manuscript submission: Friday 31st May 2024
  • · Anticipated Publication: Sumer 2025 [1]

Unlike some of our recent calls, like Research Culture or the MRC @ 50, this time we’re asking for papers in all our formats – from peer-reviewed articles through to the shorter editorially reviewed critical reflections and the like. This, we hope, offers potential authors the widest scope possible to contribute their thinking.

We are also hoping we will see some strong contributions not only from the global north, but from scholars based in the global majority countries too: something myself and special issue lead Jacob Thomas would strongly encourage. As always both of us are also only too happy to talk over potential submissions ahead of the deadlines if it will help authors shape their work accordingly.

We will have a special episode of the Exchanges Discourse podcast where Jacob and I talk over our hopes and ambitions for the issue coming out next week - so look out for that too!

In the meantime, we look forward to reading your submissions – happy writing!


[1] As with all Exchanges publication dates, this will vary depending on the transit time of both peer-review and authorial revisions. However, this is our current aim, and we will update authors as the editorial work progresses.

September 27, 2023

Special Issue Call Launch (Almost) Closes Research Culture Conference

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Second special issue launch for September sees the focus turn to research culture.

This week saw the hosting of the International Research Culture Conference 2023 at the University of Warwick. Naturally Exchanges was in attendance, and not simply to listen to the fascinating range of talks and speakers. This conference, which was open to attendees around the UK and across the world, followed a more local event which was hosted in 2022 for Warwick staff. The success of this event plus moves at Warwick in founding its National Centre for Research Culture, demonstrated the value in throwing the doors open to the wider community – and hence the broader remit of this event.

From the journal’s perspective of course, the most important development revolved around the Centre and Conference partnering with Exchanges to produce a special issue. This will be, we hope, launched over summer 2024 with content based on and around the papers delivered at the event. Hence, towards the conclusion of the conference[1], I was able to address the delegates to formally announce the opening of the call for participation.

Call for Papers - Research Culture 2023

Now, while Exchanges relatively brief talk [2] the conference’s end was naturally a focus for your Chief Editor, I was there throughout the day on a stall. This gave me the opportunity to talk to various delegates and prospective authors about Exchanges, our work and importantly how they can contribute to the special issue. I’m delighted to report I enjoyed a considerable number of highly energised conversations with some lovely, and thoughtful, colleagues and look forward to continuing some of these over the coming weeks. Even more so I am looking forward to reading the submissions as they come in.

Now, as the special issue will capture the discussions and presentations, and as other material is available on the conference site itself, I won’t try and recreate the event from my notes. That’s certainly something you will be able to enjoy without my filter. Nevertheless, I am sure there will be many other delegates with something to say, so keep an eye out on social media for initial reflections from the event.

In the meantime, my thanks to Prof Sotaro Kita and Dr Rika Nair for their invite to collaborate on this special issue, not to mention participate in Warwick’s ongoing research cultures work.


For more information on the special issue, and its call for papers, contact the Editor-in-Chief at or see our announcements page. A copy of the call for papers is now available.


[1] I wasn't quite the final talk, as there was an address from Warwick's Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Prof Caroline Meyer, which formally closed the event.

[2] I was offered 10 minutes, but suggested a modest 5 with questions would be best. Certainly, at the end of a long day, when I’m between the delegates and freedom, I didn’t think it was a good idea to build my part up too much.

September 21, 2023

MRC at 50 – Conference & Special Issue Contribution Launch

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MRC anniversary celebrations set the scene for an exciting future journal volume.

MRC at 50Yesterday I attended the 50th anniversary symposium in honour of the Modern Records Centre (MRC) at Warwick. If you’re not been previously aware of the MRC and its work, the website and indeed the Centre itself is most certainly well worth a visit: if only to marvel at the variety and breadth of their collections. This diversity was a key element reflected across the spread of topics discussed at yesterday’s event. Speaker’s talked about their research which had all been generated – in part or in its entirety through usage of the MRC’s collections. From sex workers to trade unions through the French Resistance, disability and cycling: it was an undoubted smorgasbord of themes.

I recall, many years ago and in a previous post at Warwick, I had the opportunity to be walked through the MRC’s archive itself by the then Archivist. It was a rare opportunity to get ‘up close and personal’ with the ephemera, communications and collected papers of many significant figures in political, social and national history alike. Certainly, being that close to historical documents was a thrilling moment.

Since its founding though, the MRC has clearly had an impact far beyond Warwick itself. This was undoubtably reflected through the international scope of the discussions and presenters represented yesterday. I shan’t try and capture the essence of the day: there was so much to take in. Plus, I suspect offering this kind of perspective is an element which the special issue call we informally launched yesterday will do to a greater degree.

An archive of thinking and research to honour the archive itself!

Hence, we will be approaching all of the presenters, and a few other selected people too, over the coming weeks to invite them all to contribute a paper to this forthcoming special commemorative issue of Exchanges. I can assure readers that if its contents are anything like as engaging as yesterday’s talks, then you are in for a real treat! We hope to bring you the issue sometime in early to mid-2024, so watch out on our social media for more news as we get closer to the launch date.

My thanks to Pierre Botcherby and the whole MRC team for inviting Exchanges to form a modest but valuable marker of the MRC’s first 50 years of success!

A copy of the call for papers is now available.


For more information on the MRC’s work or collections, visit or contact For more about the forthcoming special issue, contact Exchanges at

July 19, 2023

New Special Issue – Celebrating 50 Years of the Modern Records Centre

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Wouldn’t you know, it’s another special issue announced!

Following hot on the heels of our other special issue project announcement, I am delighted to announce that we have a second new special issue in production. This time we are partnering with the Warwick Modern Records Centre (MRC) as part of their 50th Birthday celebrations, to produce a volume incorporating reflections, insights and narratives inspired around the MRC’s work over the decades. I am especially pleased as the lead collaborator, Pierre Botcherby, is someone I worked closely with on the Then & Now Special Issue a year or so back.

The special issue is going to specifically driven by the papers and speakers who appear at the MRC’s birthday conference (The MRC at 50: Research Informed and Inspired by the Modern Records Centre) this September (20th), and will be primarily critical reflections. The idea being in this way we can more rapidly produce the issue, and share it with the world before too many months have gone by. I am also pleased to note we’ve already recruited three associate editors to work on the issue, and am looking forward to training and working alongside them on the issue.

Naturally, more news on this and the conference over the next month or so, but for now, and just before your EIC heads off on a couple of weeks of leave, it is fantastic to have these two new and exciting projects in the offing!

July 04, 2023

New Special Issue in Research Cultures Announced

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A new special issue project represents an exciting long-term collaboration between the journal and Research Culture programme.

We are delighted to let you know that we have partnered with Warwick’s Research Culture programme and the forthcoming Research Cultures Forum to produce a special issue. This issue, which we hope will mark the first of a series of annual collaborations, aims to comprise a range of critical reflections drawing on the sessions and speakers contributing to the conference. The conference itself is to be held Mon 25th September 2023, details of which can be found via the link above.

One reason I am especially delighted to announce this collaboration, is due to the centricity of research culture work at Warwick at the moment. Personally speaking, research cultures were the area which triggered my PhD studies a decade ago – in my case relating to open access publishing habitus of scholars in the UK.

Naturally myself and the rest of the Editorial Board are looking forward enormously to working closely with the Research Cultures team over the coming months. With any luck, the issue itself should be out in the first half of 2024, and naturally I’ll be updating readers about progress both here, in the journal editorials and our monthly newsletter too.

Meanwhile in the background, the reviewers, authors, associate editors and myself are working feverishly to bring you the long-anticipated Pluralities of Translation special issue in the latter half of 2023. More concrete news on that exciting issue, as soon as I know more.


For more on special issues and how they come about - visit our IAS pages. Or to see the past and future special issues programme, see the journal site itself.

May 04, 2023

New Issue Published: Volume 10 Number 3

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Spring brings with it the next regular issue of Exchanges

Cover of Journal Issue 10.3While it barely feels like five minutes since the last issue (it’s been about 6 weeks actually) we are pleased to announce the publication today of the Spring 2023 issue of Exchanges. This is the regularly scheduled issue of the journal, and contains a variety of articles on various topics. It also includes our first overt book review – of which more in my next blog post.

You can access the issue directly here:

And in case you were wondering what’s in it – here’s the table of contents.

My thanks to all contributors and editors for their work on this issue, and we look forward to seeing you back for our next issue hopefully over the summer with the Pluralities of Translation special issue.

July 2024

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