June 19, 2024

Open Call for Papers: Updated Guidance for Authors

Writing about web page https://exchanges.warwick.ac.uk/index.php/exchanges/announcement/view/62

Updated open call for papers page offers authors a fresh perspective on submitting their manuscripts for consideration to Exchanges.

I thought it was high time I did a refresh of the guidance for authors looking to submit a paper to us. As long time readers know, Exchanges has an open call for papers whereby we’re interested in considering work throughout the year. Yes, we do have those various special issue calls as well, and the occasional themed section call too, but the heart of many issues of Exchanges has been created by authors answering our open call. As I last updated the open call information, significantly, back in 2022, the time was ripe for a refresh.

You can read it here:


In creating this new version I’ve been asking various questions about the sort of information authors want to see – and having a splendid conversation with an academic colleague about what they’d like us to include. This has really helped me shape the new version of the call. While it replicates information you’ll find all over the Exchanges site, bringing it together in a single page I think is especially helpful for those authors who stumble across our site in their hunt for a suitable journal to publish within. Sadly, I don’t have any stats to give me an idea of how many people have read the old version of the open call, but I do know from talking to successful authors that more than one of them first found us through a web search and reading the open call information. So, there’s clearly a value to the journal in terms of keeping a flow of potential manuscripts in maintaining this particular announcement well.

Does it contain everything you’d like to know as an author? Probably not, but if you think there’s anything we’ve missed – leave me a comment or get in touch to let us know. Who knows, that might be the start of your own publishing journey too!

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